This series comprises Certificates of Exemption from Dictation Tests (CEDTs) issued under the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 and Regulations (and subsequent amending legislation, e.g. 1901-1905 and 1901-1912 etc.) to persons, mainly Chinese, Japanese and Indians, resident in Australia and who were applying to travel overseas. Holders of CEDTs were permitted to return to Australia within 3 years without sitting the dictation test which applied to coloured aliens wishing to enter Australia from 1901 to 1958. The certificates, when the scheme was first introduced, were known as Certificates of Domicile.
They are arranged in certificate number order commencing at one (1) each year.
Related series unregistered
1) Applications for Certificates of Exemption from Dicatation Test with supporting documents, annual single number series with 'H' infix, 1926-1941 - See PP4/2
2) Certificates of exemption book butts, 1938-1959 - See PP4/10, PP50/3, PP66/6 and PP132/4
3) Registers of Certificates of Exemption from Dictation Test, 1904-1928 - See PP363/1