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Series details for: J3166
Series number
Historical collection of records from Lytton Quarantine Station
Accumulation dates
circa 1908 -
Contents dates
1908 - 1984
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1908 - 01 Jan 1921
    CA 10, Department of Trade and Customs, Central Office
  • 01 Jan 1921 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 1037, Department of Health, Divisional Office/ (from 1974) Regional Office, Queensland
Agency/person controlling
  • 21 Sep 2015 -
    CA 9556, Department of Agriculture [III], Brisbane (North East Region), Queensland
Quantity and location
  • 1.32 metres held in QLD
System of arrangement/ control
Single Number System imposed by the National Archives
Range of control symbols
1 - 69
Predominant physical format
Series note

This series contains various records relating to the functions of:

  • The Lytton Quarantine station – contains general quarantine matters including Quarantine of Ships, medical registers/patient history books (including the first recorded patient with Spanish Flu), temperature books (recording patient history whilst quarantined), medical inspections, register of breakages, losses and goods condemned, diary of visits to the station by Quarantine doctors and other distinguished visitors (1940-1975) and various quarantine order forms for permits, fumigation, vessels, people and vessels into quarantine and those released (these orders have permanent value as examples of forms and methods in use at the station over this time period).
  • Department of Works (constructed and managed the buildings) – contains some building plans
  • Department of Health – contains commercially published Commonwealth of Australia official service publications and instructions and includes some general administration documents (quarantine orders, amendments, proclamations and Acts).

The records cover such topics as diseases, quarantine, drugs, epidemics, laboratories, inspections, hygiene and staff matters.

The records were acquired through The Lytton Quarantine History Group who advised NAA Brisbane Office about the former Lytton Quarantine Station records. It is believed the collection was left in the buildings when the Commonwealth vacated the premise. The State Government, while taking custody, had no interest in managing them and through the managing agency, Qld Parks and Wildlife Services, arrangements were made to transfer the records into NAA whereby a single number system was imposed to the records.

The records were created as a result of quarantine responsibilities at the time (under the Quarantine Act 1908) which was to accommodate newly arrived immigrants and persons considered to be at risk of causing infection to the general population and to establish uniformity of procedure in respect of all vessels, persons and goods arriving from overseas ports or proceeding from one State to another and all animals and plants brought from any place outside Australia. The records in part illustrate and record information pertaining to the approaches to the management of infectious diseases in Australia in the immediate post-Federation period.

The Lytton Quarantine station was established in 1913-1914 and construction was undertaken by the Queensland Department of Works, financed by a Commonwealth loan, and approved by the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs. By the late 1980’s the facility was closed completely. In 1988 management of part of the site and buildings, including the quarantine station jetty, was overtaken by the Department of Environment, Conservation and Tourism (through Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service) in association with the administration of adjacent Fort Lytton, which was declared an Historic National Park in 1990.

Records within this collection have been accumulated under the control of the Department Trade and Customs (1901 – 1921) and The Department of Health (1921 – 1977). The consignment holds bound volumes, registers, service publications, loose folios, paper files and various order books. Most documents are in good condition.

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 19 . Series wholly open
  • 68 . Digital image charge: Standard
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
17 Sep 2019

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