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Series details for: F1
Series number
Correspondence files, annual single number series
[Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1978
Contents dates
01 Jan 1923 -
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1915 - 01 Feb 1927
    CA 1072, Office of Administrator, Northern Territory [I]
  • 01 Jan 1927 - 31 Dec 1931
    CA 1071, Office of Government Resident, North Australia
  • 01 Jan 1931 - 31 Dec 1973
    CA 1070, [Northern Territory] Administrator, Northern Territory [II] - Central Registry
  • 01 Jan 1973 - 06 Jun 1975
    CA 1484, Department of the Northern Territory [I] , Central Office - Central Registry
  • 06 Jun 1975 - 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1889, Department of Northern Australia, Central Office
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 28 Sep 1978
    CA 1958, Department of the Northern Territory [II], Central Office - Central Registry
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jul 2005 -
    CA 9063, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office - Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office
  • 18 Sep 2013 - 20 Dec 2017
    CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
  • 20 Dec 2017 -
    CA 9579, Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 0.86 metres held in ACT
  • 310.07 metres held in NT
  • 7.2 metres held in QLD
  • 2.21 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Annual single number series
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note

This correspondence series was the main policy and general series for the Northern Territory Administration.

With the appointment of a permanent secretary for the Department of the Northern Territory resident in Darwin this series became the main departmental series.

It contains policy files for the Department and general correspondence files for the administration of the Northern Territory.

In May 2022, the contents of some records within the series were disrupted during transport. As a result, the records may not appear in the original order created by the agency. 

Item ID: 4087504, Control Symbol: 1970/4963. Title: Welfare Branch - Tanumbirini Station - Maintenance of government dependants, was damaged and sustained information loss during transit. Information lost has been partially recovered.

The National Archives has made a copy of this record with recovered information available in series E1699, Series containing copies of damaged Northern Territory census records from series E944 and F1.

Agency controlling unregistered

Other Commonwealth agencies control small quantities of files within the series where the Northern Territory Administration undertook functions as an agent (eg electoral matters, war graves, war service homes)

Northern Territory Government - for files created between 1973 and 1978 documenting functions subsequently transferred to the Northern Territory Government (for certain access and disposal issues)

Previous series unregistered

1915: Correspondence dockets then files, single number series, Office
      of the Administrator, NT[I], 1911-1914
1957: Books containing copies of Ministerial approvals and precedents

Subsequent series unregistered

1960: Housing Commission ['HC'], single number series 
1962: Legislative Council series 
1964: Electoral Office, Darwin, series 
1969: Department of Education and Science, Darwin Office, series 1969: Commonwealth Sub-Treasury, Darwin, series
Previous series
    F773, Correspondence files, annual single number series with 'MR' (Motor Registration)prefix - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
  • 01 Jan 1942
    F138, Correspondence file, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1952
    F315, Correspondence Files, Annual Single Number Series.
  • 01 Jan 1953
    F742, Correspondence files, 'M' (Mines) single number series with year prefix. [Part transferred to NTAS]
  • 01 Jan 1953
    F743, Correspondence files, 'A' series (Accounts) - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
  • 01 Jan 1960
    F425, Correspondence files "C", series (confidential)
  • 01 Jan 1961
    F1378, Bore Agreement, single number series - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
  • 01 Jan 1966
    F1413, Classified correspondence files, unregistered series
  • 01 Jan 1973
    A1734, Correspondence files, annual single number series with 'NT' (Northern Territory) prefix - Northern Territory matters only. (some top-numbering)
Subsequent series
    F1455, Personal files of Industrial employees, Lexicographical series
    F596, Staff files, 'P' (Police) single number series - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
    F844, Correspondence files, single number series with "A" prefix - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
  • 01 Jan 1945
    F137, Correspondence file, AS series
  • 01 Jan 1946
    F425, Correspondence files "C", series (confidential)
  • 01 Jan 1951
    F423, Correspondence Files, "S" Series (Secret)
  • 01 Jan 1953
    E885, Deaths Register
  • 01 Jan 1953
    E888, Register of Deceased Aboriginals
  • 01 Jan 1953
    E889, Register of Aboriginal Births
  • 01 Jan 1954
    E880, Register of Births, Aboriginals
  • 01 Jan 1957
    F597, Duplicate Copies of Correspondence received from the Department of Territories, Canberra (Agency Title : Copies of Canberra Schedules)
  • 01 Jan 1960
    E944, Census files, alphabetical series (by location)
  • 01 Jan 1963
    E749, Correspondence files, "WB/A" (Welfare Branch/Administration) single number series
  • 01 Jan 1966
    E765, Correspondence files, 'AW' (Aboriginal Welfare) single number series
  • 01 Jan 1968
    E362, Correspondence files, multiple number series with 'EB' prefix
  • 01 Jan 1973
    E460, Correspondence files, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1973
    E1011, Correspondence files, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1977
    F1046, Correspondence files, multiple number series. - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
  • 01 Jan 1978
    E1153, Correspondence files, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1978
    E519, Correspondence files, 'H' (Housing) annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1978
    E858, Correspondence files, annual single number series.
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1936 - 31 Dec 1978
    F405, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, General
  • 01 Jan 1953 - 31 Dec 1963
    E1145, Subject Index cards to correspondence files, annual single number series (Mines Branch)
Related series
    E523, Register and index of Statutory Appointments
    E629, Housing/Enterprise project files, annual single number series with numerical infix
    F520, His Honour the Administrator's Official and Personal Correspondence files, unregistered series
    F1107, Correspondence files, 'HN' (Holding Number) single number series - [transferred to NT Archives Services]
    F400, Movement register for (1) correspondence files, annual single number series, (2) staff files, 'P' (Police) single number series and (3) staff files, 'S' and single number series.
    F401, Numerical registers for (1) correspondence files, annual single number series, (2) staff files, 'P' (Police) single number series and (3) staff files, 'S' and single number series.
    F402, Registration and movement cards for correspondence files, annual single number series
    F403, Subject index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series
    F404, Subject index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series
    F407, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "Queries relating to claims for payment"
    F413, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "State Children's Council Case Files"
    F416, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "Stations (Pastoral)"
    F417, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "Employment of Aborigines by Private Residents"
    F418, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "Ministerial"
    F420, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, "Apprentices"
    F421, Registration and movement registers for classified files, (1) "C",(2) "S" and (3) annual single number series
    F426, Subject Index Cards for Classified Files, (1) C, (2) S and (3) Annual Single Number Series
    F427, Same index cards for classified files (1) "S" (2) "C" (3) Annual single number series.
    F428, Registration and Movement Cases, Annual Single Number Series (confidential portion from 1960)
    F432, List of Indexable Headings for Correspondence Files, Annual Single Number Series
    F819, Movement cards for correspondence files, annual single number series CRS F1 received from Central Registry
    F922, Register of Claims for Compensation under Minerals (Acquisition) Ordinance
    F421, Registration and movement registers for classified files, (1) "C",(2) "S" and (3) annual single number series - confidential portion from 1960-1978
    F1080, Photographs of cattle loading at Darwin wharf to accompany the Report on the Potential of Trade in Cattle from Australia to Eastern countries with special reference to the Philippines Republic and Hong Kong by A.L. Rose - Item 58/1071, Rose Report on Eastern CattleTrade
  • 01 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1947
    E1152, Various records relating to stock and stock routes in the Northern Territory, unregistered series
  • 01 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1978
    E1684, Master Discs of National Archives of Australia, Darwin Office - Large Format Project - P606
  • 01 Jan 1945 - 28 Sep 1978
    F415, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Claims for Compensation', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1946 - 28 Sep 1978
    F1457, Industrial employees history cards, lexicographical series
  • 01 Jan 1951 - 22 Dec 1975
    F419, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Mental Defectives', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1953 - 31 Dec 1957
    E888, Register of Deceased Aboriginals
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 31 Dec 1957
    E880, Register of Births, Aboriginals
  • 01 Jan 1955 - 31 Dec 1967
    A11987, Records of the Biennial Conference of Commonwealth and State Veterinarians and its Committees and Sub-Committees, multiple number series with alphabetical prefix - for records relating to Conferences of Commonwealth and State Veterinarians
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 31 Dec 1968
    F409, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Electrical Mechanics Licences', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 28 Sep 1978
    F948, Registration and movement cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, 'Organisation', annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 28 Sep 1978
    F949, Registration and Movement cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, 'Position', annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 28 Sep 1978
    F950, Movement cards for correspondence files,annual single number series F1 received in the Staff sub-registry, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1957 - 31 Dec 1973
    F568, Duplicate copies of correspondence received from the Department of Interior, Canberra, then Department of Northern Territory, Canberra (from 20 Dec 1972), annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1957 - 31 Dec 1973
    E1579, Cards containing personal information on the Aboriginal population of the Northern Territory, alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1958 - 31 Dec 1969
    F412, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Water Works Licences', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1958 - 31 Dec 1969
    F414, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Housing Loan Applications', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1958 - 31 Dec 1973
    F1423, Numerical cross-reference cards for duplicate copies of correspondence received from the Department of Interior, Canberra, then Department of Northern Territory, Canberra (from 20 Dec 1972), single number series
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1972
    E944, Census files, alphabetical series (by location)
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Jul 1973
    F406, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Building Permits', lexicographical series
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1977
    E811, Plans/drawings of building projects proposed by various religious groups - Relationship to be confirmed
  • 01 Jan 1961 - 31 Dec 1973
    F408, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Applications under Water Supplies Development Ordinance', lexicographical series
  • 01 Jan 1961 - 31 Dec 1976
    E810, Plans/drawings of aboriginal housing designs - Relationship to be confirmed
  • 01 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1969
    F410, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Sand and Gravel Permits', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1962 - 31 Dec 1969
    F411, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Sanitary Plumbers and Drainers Licences', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1964 - 28 Sep 1978
    F951, Movement cards for correspondence files, annual single number series F1 received in the Staff sub-registry, 'Compensation', annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1966 - 31 Dec 1966
    E1515, Report on the financial and administrative difficulties of Beswick Station by Thomas Jilek
  • 01 Jan 1966 - 28 Sep 1978
    F1456, Pay detail cards for Industrial employees, lexicographical series
  • 01 Jan 1967 - 28 Sep 1978
    F569, Name index cards for correspondence files, '"Recovery Action', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1968 - 31 Dec 1974
    F570, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Stations (Pastoral)', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1968 - 28 Sep 1978
    F571, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Queries relating to claims for Payment', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1969 - 31 Dec 1976
    E808, Plans/drawings of building projects initiated by Aboriginal community associations - Relationship to be confirmed
  • 01 Jan 1969 - 31 Dec 1977
    F809, Name index cards for correspondence files, annual single number series, 'Overpayment of Salary, Wages or Allowances', lexicographical series
  • 01 Jan 1969 - 28 Sep 1978
    F574, Number index cards for correspondence files, 'Building Permits (by lots)', single number series
  • 01 Jan 1970 - 28 Sep 1978
    F572, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'War Service Home Schemes', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1970 - 28 Sep 1978
    F573, Name index cards for correspondence files, 'Scaffolding Inspection Reports', alphabetical series
  • 01 Jan 1972 - 31 Dec 1977
    E809, Plans/drawings of building projects initiated by the Port Keats, Bathurst Island and Daly River Catholic Missions - Relationship to be confirmed
Date registered
02 Oct 1987

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