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Series details for: E944
Series number
Census files, alphabetical series (by location)
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1960 -
Contents dates
01 Jan 1953 -
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1970
    CA 1076, Welfare Branch
  • 01 Jan 1970 - 31 Dec 1972
    CA 2835, Welfare Division
  • 01 Jan 1972 -
    CA 2836, Department of Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Territory Division/ (by 1974) Regional Office/ (from 1988) State Office, Northern Territory - Aboriginal Population Records
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jul 2005 -
    CA 9063, Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination, Northern Territory Office
  • 01 Jul 2019 -
    CA 9613, National Indigenous Australians Agency
Quantity and location
  • 0.09 metres held in ACT
  • 7.2 metres held in NT
System of arrangement/ control
alphabetical (by location) then chronological
Range of control symbols
Adelaide River - Yuendumu
Predominant physical format
Series note
The files consist mainly of census reports forms compiled periodically at various communities/locations throughout the Northern Territory.

Information recorded on the form includes location and date of census name (both European and Aboriginal), group (sub-section), tribe (language), sex, date of birth, type of marriage (date if legal), APR number and additional details. The signature of the officer compiling the report form appears at the bottom left-hand corner. Some report forms are augmented by attached correspondence which provide a summary of persons living at a particular location.

For certain locations/communities, the information is not recorded on the standard report form but is typed in columns on blank paper. Information recorded therein includes name, skin, d.o.b., r.o.w., consort(s), sons, daughter, parent, where born and remarks.

Census records for some schools may also be found within the series. Information recorded includes [period of] tuition, name, age, left school [date], believed now at and remarks.
In May 2022, the contents of some records within the series were disrupted during transport. As a result, the records content may not appear in the original order created by the agency. The contents of nineteen records were also damaged and some infomation from the records was lost. Information within eight records was recovered and some information was recovered for another eleven records.

Records with recovered information have been copied by the National Archives and are available in series E1699, Series containing copies of damaged Northern Territory census records from series E944 and F1.

These records include those with information relevant to Angus Downs, Amburla, Anthony Lagoon, Auvergne, Coolibah, Elsey, Epennara, Hodgson Downs, Jervios, Katherine, Mallapunyah, Port Keats, Soudan Station, Utopia, Victoria River Downs, and Warrabri.

The contents of two records containing census information relevant to Elcho Island and Hooker Creek are missing.

Previous series
  • 01 Jan 1960
    F1, Correspondence files, annual single number series
Related series
  • 01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1972
    F1, Correspondence files, annual single number series
  • 01 Jan 1973 -
    E460, Correspondence files, annual single number series
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
Date registered
16 Jan 1987

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