Series details

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Series details for: D2117
Series number
Copies of a catalogue of drawings and maps relating to the Maralinga area
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1954 - 31 Dec 1983
Contents dates
01 Jan 1951 - 31 Dec 1969
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 21 Jan 1955
    CA 3038, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 21 Jan 1955 - 03 Apr 1978
    CA 3039, Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 03 Apr 1978 - 31 Dec 1983
    CA 3040, Defence Research Centre, Salisbury [South Australia]
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Sep 1992 -
    CA 7564, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Edinburgh [South Australia]
Quantity and location
  • 0.45 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Items: by volume number. Entries: in single number order with SAL prefix
Range of control symbols
Items: Volume 1 to 2. Entries: SAL1- SAL4285 (with gaps)
Predominant physical format
Series note

Summary heading

Function and purpose

This series consists of two hardback copies of reference registers relating to the drawing and maps associated with the Maralinga area. They include references to maps and drawings associated with the British atomic testing at the Maralinga and Emu test sites and details of support facilities and equipment.

Related legislation

Using the series

Volume 1 contains typed pages listing the date of the drawing, title of drawing, card index number and Salisbury drawing number. This volume covers the period 1951 to 1967. Volume 2 is a drawing register containing a list of drawings destroyed in 1962, a drawing register distribution list, and an index card reference with the following titles: field experiments, general, MEP experiments, guided missile project, range facilities and sites and equipment.  The drawing register pages are divided into columns with the following titles: date of drawing, title, originator, micro/negative number, drawing serial number and number of prints held, card index, superseded drawing and Sal [Salisbury] number, authority and date of negative destruction certificate and Sal [Salisbury] Number. This volume covers the period 1947 to 1963.

Language of material

Physical characteristics

System of arrangement and control

For ease of accessibility the National Archives of Australia has imposed a single number control system to the volumes. The titles of the drawings are arranged in both volumes by their Sal [Salisbury] number.

Relationships with other records

Finding aids

Access conditions

Series history


Immediate source of acquisition

Custodial history

Quantity in agency custody

Disposal history

Publication note

Additional information

End notes


Related series
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 31 Dec 1961
    D1768, Photographs, films, drawings and glass negatives relating to Maralinga area (South Australia)
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 1961
    D5588, Glass negatives of aerial survey images relating to Maralinga area (South Australia)
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 31 Dec 1969
    D2118, Drawings and maps relating to the Maralinga area, single number series with SAL prefix
  • 01 Jan 1954 - 31 Dec 1983
    A14458, Legacy Maralinga map collection not part of the Agency’s formal recordkeeping system.
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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