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Series details for: D1826
Series number
Maralinga photographs
Accumulation dates
01 Oct 1956 - 01 Oct 1956
Contents dates
01 Oct 1956 - 01 Oct 1956
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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Oct 1956 - 01 Oct 1956
    CA 3183, Stores and Transport Branch, South Australia
Agency/person controlling
  • 18 Sep 2013 -
    CA 9435, Department of Finance [II], Central office
Quantity and location
  • 0.18 metres held in NSW
System of arrangement/ control
No discernible arrangement apparent
Predominant physical format
Series note
Eleven (11) black and white estray photographs relating to the Buffalo series of atomic explosions at Maralinga in South Australia. The fourth and last Buffalo device was exploded on 22 October 1956. The photographs depict equipment used at the test site being transported away by trucks from the Stores and Transport Branch. The original source of these photographs is not known. They were received in the Australian Archives from the Heavy Transport Fleet Section of the Transport and Storage Division at Woodville South Australia. The series is no longer used.

Dept of Finance and Administration, Support Services, South Australia closed on 30 October 1998. The functions were transferred to Canberra.
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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