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Series details for: D1767
Series number
Maralinga reports, alphabetical series.
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1949 - 31 Dec 1960
Contents dates
01 Jan 1949 - 31 Dec 1960
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1949 - 31 Jan 1955
    CA 3038, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 21 Jan 1955 - 31 Dec 1960
    CA 3039, Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Sep 1992 -
    CA 7564, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Edinburgh [South Australia]
Quantity and location
  • 0.18 metres held in NSW
System of arrangement/ control
Range of control symbols
Access - Quick
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series comprises of folders which contain miscellaneous reports related to the Maralinga atomic test site. The majority of the reports are copies. Some of the topics included in the reports are: survey, meetings, evacuation, diaryextracts, reconnaissance and astro-fixing.  

Related series
  • 1953 - 31 Dec 1960
    D5588, Glass negatives of aerial survey images relating to Maralinga area (South Australia)
  • 01 Jan 1953 - 31 Dec 1960
    D1768, Photographs, films, drawings and glass negatives relating to Maralinga area (South Australia)
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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