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Series details for: D174
Series number
Correspondence files single and then multiple number series with 'A' and 'SA' prefix and (from 1963) a variable alpha prefix.
Accumulation dates
01 Jan 1947 -
Contents dates
01 Jan 1947 -
Items in this series on RecordSearch

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Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Jan 1955
    CA 3038, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 21 Jan 1955 - 03 Apr 1978
    CA 3039, Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 03 Apr 1978 - 31 Jul 1987
    CA 3040, Defence Research Centre, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 01 Jul 1987 - 01 Dec 1987
    CA 6755, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Salisbury [South Australia]
  • 01 Dec 1987 - 2014
    CA 6758, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Electronics Research Laboratory, Salisbury [South Australia]
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jan 1947 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
  • 22 Sep 1947 -
    CA 6731, RAAF Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU)
  • 01 Sep 1992 -
    CA 7564, Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Edinburgh [South Australia]
Quantity and location
  • 4.14 metres held in ACT
  • 16.02 metres held in NSW
  • 0.27 metres held in SA
System of arrangement/ control
Single number (block allocation with alpha prefix evolving into multiple number with variable alpha prefix
Range of control symbols
A1 - A804, R805 - R810 , SA5000 - SA5059 , 103/1/1 to
Predominant physical format
Series note

This series contains classified and unclassified administrative and technical files relating to the weapons research function originally registered in single number order from a block allocation. "A" prefix indicates housekeeping functions. "SA" prefix indicates technical or policy files. Later "C" confidential and "R" restricted prefixes were added. The multiple numbers evolved by expansion of the single number (block allocation) system, during the period (Nov.) 1954 -1967.

Initial action for conversion to the multiple number system was taken in 1954 when most secondary and tertiary numbers were added. The original primary number was maintained and files were split or new parts opened to give broad secondary classifications. The series control systems were changed in 1963 when alpha prefixes were added to indicate the branch section sub-registry, which held a particular file. A list of location prefixes led to the creation of new file registration books and cards. While the series is decentralised and serviced by many sub- registries to meet the demands of the new semi-autonomous research laboratories, the records and information services the agency as a whole. The location prefixes only designate the usual sub- registry location of a file: it does not limit the distribution or access to the information contained.

In about 1965 a "STAIRS" computerised location and indexing system was introduced which allowed indexing at file and selected folio level. This system allows on line subject searching and in addition provides several permutations of the file list on printout eg master list and sub-registry list. The system makes provision for the control of both current and non-current records by use of an "archival programme".

The classification system is project rather than subject oriented, ie a primary number will indicate a project or major portion of a project, the secondary numbers will indicate broad subject category and the tertiary number identifies the individual transactions, the location prefix indicates the particular branch or section primarily responsible for the individual transaction.

Location prefixes as follows:

A. Central Registry

B. Electronics Division Sub-Registry

C. Systems Analysis Division Sub-Registry

D. Optics and Surveillance Division Sub-Registry

E. Communications and Electronic Engineering Division Sub-Registry F. Planning and Data Analysis Group Sub-Registry

G. Propulsion and Marine Physics Division Sub-Registry

H. Weapons Systems Division Sub-Registry

J. Aerospace Division Sub-Registry

K. Workshops and Mechanical Design Division Sub-Registry

L. Programme Assessment Group Sub-Registry

M. Space Research Group Sub-Registry

P. Engineering Services Division Sub-Registry

Q. Engineering Materials and Documentation Group Sub-Registry S. Safety Section Sub-Registry

T. Trails Systems Division Sub-Registry

W. Engineering Materials and Documentation Group Sub-Registry

In March 1991 a portion of the records created by DRCS (now DSTO) were transferred to the Department of Defence, Army, South Australia (EDE,L & S,ETF). The records were seconded to complete certain tasks. The records have been top-numbered but have retained the original secondary and tertiary numbers with ETF prefix.

The files listed below have been transferred from the custody of Sonar Systems Division DSTO Salisbury to Materials Research Laboratory DSTO Melbourne:

M6098/9/1 pts 1 & 2 MK 46 MOD Torpedo: Characteristics and Performance. M6452/3/3 pt 1 Task NAV 91/508- Collection and Evaluation of Torpedo Information- MSD Aspects.

In October 1988 the files relating to Woomera were removed from this series and are now incorporated into D246,"Correspondence files, multiple series with "A" (Administrative) prefix", which is controlled by CA3077, Defence Support Centre, Woomera.

Quantity in agency custody

c.812sh.m. held by CA 7564, Defence Science & Technology Organisation

Disposal History

Consignment D174/217 was withdrawn permanently by the Department of Defence [III], Central Office for sentencing purposes of temporary records on the 18th July 2019.

Previous series
  • 01 Jun 1993
    D3938, Correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix
  • 01 Jun 1993
    D3994, Correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha prefix
  • 01 Jun 1993
    D4275, Correspondence files, multiple number series with alpha prefix
Subsequent series
  • 01 Nov 1954
    D185, Correspondence files, multiple number series/ (from 1963) with variable alpha location prefix
  • 29 May 1987
    D3994, Correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha prefix
  • 01 Dec 1987
    D3938, Correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix
  • 01 Oct 1988
    D246, Correspondence files, multiple numbers series with "A" (Administrative) prefix, 1968- - Portion relating to Woomera administrative matters only
  • 01 Dec 1989
    D4275, Correspondence files, multiple number series with alpha prefix
Controlling series
  • 01 Jan 1965 -
    D3722, Computer tape source listings for central registry automatic data processing (ADP) indexing system
  • 01 Aug 1991 -
    D4235, Records concerning asbestos exposure/location
Related series
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1956
    D171, Register of administrative files, block allocation, single number series with "A" and "SA" prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1956
    D172, Alphabetical index register for administrative files, block allocation, single number series with "A" and "SA" prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1969
    D2333, Subject/nominal index cards for correspondence files single and then multiple number series with "A" and "SA" prefix, and (from 1963) a variable alpha prefix
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 31 Dec 1963
    D183, Subject index cards for correspondence files, multiple number series/ (from 1963 ) with variable alpha location prefix
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 31 Dec 1967
    D173, Top number register for administrative files, block allocation, single number series with 'A' and 'SA' prefix
  • 01 Jan 1963 -
    D184, File Census Record Book, chronological series.
  • 01 Jan 1963 -
    D188, Register of incoming correspondence, chronological series.
  • 01 Jan 1963 -
    D189, Primary number registration book for correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha (location) prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1963 -
    D190, Registration cards (master file register) for correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1963 -
    D191, List of indexable headings for correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha (location) prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1965 -
    D1173, Computer printout master file register for correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix
  • 01 Jan 1965 -
    D186, Computer printout subject to index for correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix.
  • 01 Jan 1965 -
    D187, File lists (master copy) for correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha (location) prefix, held in various sub-registries.
  • 01 Jan 1965 -
    D203, Registry master file (computer printout) special listing.
  • 01 Jan 1974 -
    D1174, Central registry automatic data processing (ADP) index forms, alpha-numeric series
  • 01 Dec 1987 - 01 Jun 1993
    D3938, Correspondence files, multiple number series with variable alpha (location) prefix
  • 01 Dec 1987 - 01 Jun 1993
    D3994, Correspondence files, multiple number series, with variable alpha prefix
  • 01 Dec 1989 - 01 Jun 1993
    D4275, Correspondence files, multiple number series with alpha prefix
  • 01 Aug 1991 -
    D4234, Records concerning Vietnam war
  • 01 Aug 1991 -
    D4235, Records concerning asbestos exposure/location
  • 01 Aug 1991 -
    D4233, Records concerning Maralinga/ British Atomic Tests
Date registered
15 Nov 1988

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