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Series details for: CP359/4
Series number
Papers of the Prime Minister (William Morris Hughes) during his visit to London, 1921
Accumulation dates
03 Feb 1921 - 22 Aug 1921
Contents dates
26 Mar 1912 - 16 Aug 1921
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 03 Feb 1921 - 22 Aug 1921
    CA 12, Prime Minister's Department - Prime Minister's Office
  • 03 Feb 1921 - 22 Aug 1921
    CP 290, The Rt Hon William Morris HUGHES CH, KC
Agency/person controlling
  • 12 Mar 1971 -
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Quantity and location
  • 0.09 metres held in ACT
System of arrangement/ control
Single number system imposed by National Archives of Australia
Range of control symbols
[1] - [6]
Predominant physical format
Series note

This series consists of a small number of files prepared by the External Affairs
(Pacific) Branch within the Prime Minister's Department as background to certain issues
to be raised by the Prime Minister (William Morris Hughes) during his visit to London
for the Imperial Conference in June 1921. The Colonial Office was advised of
arrangements for the visit on 3 February, although Hughes did not actually leave
Australia until the end of April. He arrived in London on 9 June and concluded
his official business there on 22 August. (1)

The six files in the series are concerned with:

[1] reporting procedures for Imperial Conferences
[2] Australia's interests in respect of Japanese activities in Siberia and affairs in China
[3] commercial relations with Switzerland
[4] Panama Canal shipping tolls
[5] military staff attached to Australia House
[6] provision of shipping for the repatriation of Australian troops, early 1919

Two of the main issues dealt with at the Conference were Imperial communication
with the Dominions and renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Items [1] and [2]
in the series appear to relate to these issues respectively. Hughes also took an
interest in certain other matters during his visit, however, including the sale
of Australian primary produce, Commonwealth shipping and the administration of
Australia House, to which items [3]-[5] have some relevance respectively. (2)
The reason for the inclusion of item [6] in the series is unclear, as
demobilisation and the repatriation of Australian troops were matters specifically
dealt with by Hughes during his overseas visit in 1918-19 for the Peace Conference. 

The Prime Minister's Department transferred the files to archival custody in
December 1955. They were originally controlled as part of Accession CP103/22.

As Accession CP359/4, they were described as 'three files prepared by
External Affairs Branch on International questions, a single file of
correspondence on Demobilisation and a small file on War Graves Administration'
and given the accession title 'Papers of Prime Minister during visit to
London, 1921'. (3) This title has been amended slightly, in preference to a
misleading title 'Papers relating to issues raised at the ... Imperial Conference
of 1918' in use more recently.

This series registration has been revised as part of the Prime Ministers Papers
Project (August 2004).

(1) L F Fitzhardinge, William Morris Hughes: a political biography, Vol 2, pp 462-480
(2) Ibid, p 479
(3) National Archives of Australia, Canberra Permanent (CP) Accession Register: CP359

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
12 Dec 1955

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