Description of series:
This series consists of a single item - a folder containing accumulated pieces of correspondence which were registered in an annual single number system with 'IC' prefix. The documents, varying from one to several folios, are instructions from W.B. Griffin to T.C.G. Weston as Officer in Charge of afforestation. The instructions relate to various subjects including purchase and importation of seeds; trials of plants; agricultural plantings; the construction of the Federal Teriritories Native Aboretum; placements of firebreaks; afforestation colour schemes by area and the suitability of various plants for the Canberra region.
An index of the correspondence within the folder is also enclosed.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number: CA 17
Creating department: , Interior, (ACT Planning & Development Branch), Parks & Gardens Section
Date of transfer: 28/09/1953
Archives file number: RWC16/4/4