This series includes representations made to Joseph Aloysius Lyons by members
of the public, related Ministerial correspondence, and responses from Lyons’
office in the last two years of his Prime Ministership. A small number of the
responses were finalised by Lyons’ staff in the months following his death in
April 1939. Most of the files are titled according to the particular portfolio
to which the representation was forwarded, eg Civil Aviation, Customs, Defence,
Interior, Pensions, Repatriation, War Service Homes, Postal. Some files relate
to other subjects, eg broadcasting, employees at The Lodge, 1937 federal
election, newspapers, visit of the Federal Cabinet to Tasmania in February
1939. A few files are of a more personal nature and include requests for
letters of introduction and autographs, expressions of congratulations or
The files were transferred to archival custody by the Prime Minister’s
Department on 26 January 1949 (ref. RWC 2/8/1). Originally accessioned as CP4
(later CP246), they were renumbered as CP167 in 1953. The series description
was revised as part of the Prime Ministers Papers’ Project in January 2002.