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Person details for: CP 983
Person number
CP 983
The Hon Arthur BLAKELEY
Date range
03 Jul 1886 - 27 Jun 1972
Series recorded by this person
Person note

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The Hon Arthur Blakeley

Career within Commonwealth

Arthur Blakeley was born on 3 July 1886 at Gilberton, South Australia, son of Simeon Blakeley, a house painter from Yorkshire, and his wife Catherine Ann, nee Greenwood. He attended North Broken Hill Convent School, leaving at 13 to work in the mining camps. He became a shearer in 1900 and apart from brief return to mining, continued in pastoral occupations. Arthur Blakeley became an organiser for the Australian Workers’ Union (AWU) in 1912 and Secretary of its Western (Bourke) Branch in 1915-1917. From 1912 he was also a delegate to AWU conventions and NSW Labor Party conferences. He was a member of the NSW State party executive in 1915-1917 and General President of AWU in 1919-1923. Arthur Blakeley married Ruby Pauline McCaroll in 1914.

In 1917 Arthur Blakeley was elected to the House of Representatives for Darling, NSW. In February 1920 he became Secretary to the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party in the House of Representatives and remained in this position until April 1928. From 26 April 1928 to 5 February 1929 Arthur Blakeley was Deputy Leader of the Federal Labor Party. He was Secretary of the Caucus between 16 February 1932 and 22 October 1934.

From March 1923 to October 1925 Arthur Blakeley served as a member on the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works. In the Scullin Government he was appointed the Minister for Home Affairs on 22 October 1929 and remained in this position until 6 January 1932. As the Minister for Home Affairs Arthur Blakeley was responsible for Canberra, and moved there with his family in 1929.

Defeated in the 1934 election by Joseph Clark, a Lang Labor candidate, Arthur Blakeley moved to Melbourne and in 1935 was appointed as an inspector of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, becoming Senior Industrial Inspector (Senior Commonwealth Arbitration Inspector) in 1940. He stayed in this position until 1947.

In February 1941 Arthur Blakeley also became a Conciliation Officer. He was appointed to act as Conciliation Commissioner ‘to hear and determine any industrial disputes’ under the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904-1934 on 13 October - 23 November 1941, 11 December 1941 - 1 February 1942 and 15 July - 15 October 1942. Between 27 April and 11 June 1942 Arthur Blakeley was seconded to the Allied Works Council as the Chief Industrial Officer, but resigned from this post after a disagreement with E. G. Theodore, Director-General of the Allied Works Council, over a Civil Constructional Corps Determination. On 13 November 1942 he was appointed as Conciliation Commissioner permanently. He was also the Chairman of the Wheat Harvest Employment Commission for the time of the Commission’s existence between 23 October 1942 and 26 January 1943. He retired from government service in 1952.

Arthur Blakeley died at Glen Iris on 27 June 1972 and was accorded a state funeral.


Norma Marshall, 'Blakeley, Arthur (1886 - 1972)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 7, Melbourne University Press, 1979, pp 322-323

NAA: A472, W2622A, Blakeley - 1 Appointment as Conciliation Officer and Conciliation Commissioner - National Security (General) Regulations - 2 Appointment as Chairman of Wheat Harvesting Commission Northern Territory disputes

NAA: A463/39, 1972/2942, State Funeral for the Late Honourable Arthur Blakeley – 30 June, 1972

Agencies associated with person
  • 05 May 1917 - 15 Sep 1934
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Darling (NSW)
  • Mar 1923 - Oct 1925
    CA 707, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works - Member
  • 22 Oct 1929 - 06 Jan 1932
    CA 24, Department of Home Affairs [II], (Central Office)
Date registered
04 Sep 2006

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