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Person details for: CP 97
Person number
CP 97
Hon Francis Daniel CREAN
Date range
28 Feb 1916 - 02 Dec 2008
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Hon Frank Crean

Career within Commonwealth

Francis Daniel Crean was born at Hamilton, Victoria on 28 February 1916. He attended Hamilton School and Hamilton High School, moving later to Melbourne, where he studied at Melbourne High School.  He enrolled at Melbourne University where he obtained an Arts degree with honours, Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma of Public Administration.


In 1934 he became a member of the Victorian Public Service, in the Taxation Department, and undertook a course of study leading to accountancy qualifications.  The course, designed to last 2 1/2 years took him 1 1/2 years to complete.  At the final examinations of the Federal Institute of Accountants in 1935 he was placed first in Victoria and second in Australia.  He worked as a tax assessor for 10 years.


In 1945 he was nominated for the seat of Albert Park in election for the Victorian Legislative Assembly.  On his election he resigned from the Public Service, but he held the seat only until 1947, when he was defeated.  In 1949 he won the State seat of Prahran, holding it until 1951.


He entered Federal politics with a win in the seat of Melbourne Ports in 1951, which he has held successfully as at 17 November 1975.  In 1955 he became a member of the executive of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party and in 1956 succeeded Ben Chifley as Labor's shadow Treasurer.


The elections of 2 December 1972 which brought the Labor Party into office saw Frank Crean become the Federal Treasurer on 19 December 1972. He remained in that position until 11 December 1974 when he was replaced as Treasurer by Jim Cairns, but his position immediately prior to this date was unusual in that the Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam had foreshadowed his transfer to the Ministry for Overseas Trade in a press release dated 21 November 1974.  The reason as stated in the press release was that both Crean and Cairns had legislation before Parliament for which they were responsible and the transfer could not take place until the end of the Parliamentary session.


The political crisis which developed during the period Cairns was Treasurer, concerning the seeking of loans from overseas sources, the 'loans affair', began two days after Cairns assumed his position, when the Executive Council Minute authorized the Minister for Minerals and Energy, Rex Connor to borrow $4,000,000,000.  Subsequently Cairns was dismissed from his position of Deputy Prime Minister and in the election by the Caucus to fill the vacancy Frank Crean was elected Deputy Prime Minister on 14 July 1975.

He remained Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Overseas Trade until 11 November 1975 when the Governor-General, Sir John Kerr, dismissed the Whitlam Government.  He retired from Federal Parliament on 10 November 1977.


Frank Crean was married to Mary, daughter of the late A E Finlay on 20 August 1946. There are three children of the marriage, Simon, David and Stephen (d.1985).


His interests included educational matters and he had been at one time Chairman of the Council of Adult Education.  He played an active part in the preservation of older areas of Melbourne, especially the suburb of Emerald Hill, close to his home in Middle Park and chaired the Migrant Resource Centre in Prahran for over 20 years.

Frank Crean died on 2 December 2008.


The Australian, 3 December 2008, p3

House of Representatives Hansard, 4 December 2008, accessed 11 December 2008

Who’s Who in Australia, 1974, p 259

Summary heading

Hon Frank Crean

Unregistered links

1956: House of Representatives National Library Inquiry Select Committee - Member

1958: Australian Delegation to the 47th Conference ofthe Inter- Parliamentary Union, Rio de Janiero -Member

1967: Parliamentary Delegation to the South WestPacific - Member

1968: Australian Parliamentary Mission to the States Bordering the Indian Ocean - Member

1970: Australian Delegation to the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Conference, Canberra -Member

Jun 1972-Jul 1972: Australian Parliamentary Mission to the United States and Mexico - Member

Mar 1973: Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Twenty, International Monetary Fund, Washington - Delegate

Apr 1973: Board of the Asia Development Bank - Delegate to meeting in Philippines

Agencies associated with person
  • 28 Apr 1951 - 10 Nov 1977
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Melbourne Ports (Vic)
  • 25 Sep 1952 - 04 Nov 1955
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 07 Mar 1967 - 10 Nov 1977
    CA 724, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges - Member
  • 02 Sep 1970 - 18 May 1972
    CA 1927, [Parliamentary] Joint Select Committee on Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Legislation - Member
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 11 Dec 1974
    CA 11, Department of the Treasury [I], Central Office - Minister
  • 11 Dec 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 1485, Department of Overseas Trade, Central Office - Minister
  • 14 Jul 1975 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Deputy Prime Minister
  • 08 Apr 1976 - 10 Nov 1977
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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