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Person details for: CP 941
Person number
CP 941
Hon William Patrick ASHLEY
Date range
circa 01 Jan 1886 - 27 Jun 1958
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

  Person registration completed as part of the Prime Ministers Papers’ Project (April 2002).

Career within Commonwealth

  William Patrick Ashley was born in Hay, New South Wales and served with the New South Wales Bushmen’s Contingent in the South African War (1901-02). A tobacconist by occupation, he subsequently became an Alderman and then Mayor of Lithgow. He entered federal Parliament at the 1937 general election, as an ALP Senator for NSW, and retained his seat through the general elections of 1940, 1946, 1951 and 1955 until his death in June 1958.

Ashley’s political career covered three distinct areas - ministerial, Parliamentary party and committee work - demonstrating his value to successive Ministries of the Curtin, Forde and Chifley Labor Governments in the 1940s. In this period he held the portfolios of Information (1941-43), Postmaster-General (1941-45), Supply and Shipping (1945-48), Shipping and Fuel (1948-49), and acted as Minister for the Army (early 1949). He held successive senior Federal Labor Party positions, including Opposition Whip (1938-41), Deputy Leader (and later Leader) of the Government in the Senate (1943-49) and was Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (1949-51). Ashley was also Vice President of the Federal Executive Council (1943-45), a member of the Production Executive of Cabinet (1945-46), and a member of various parliamentary committees relating to regulations and ordinance (1937-38), war expenditure (1941), censorship (1944) and constitution alteration (1950).

Links to other Commonwealth Persons




End notes



Commonwealth Parliamentary Handbook, 1931-38 (9th ed), 1951-56 (12th ed)

Who’s who in Australia, 1955 (15th ed)

Agencies associated with person
  • 23 Oct 1937 - 27 Jun 1958
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for New South Wales
  • 02 Dec 1937 - 27 Sep 1938
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 20 Sep 1938 - 07 Oct 1941
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Opposition Whip
  • 03 Jul 1941 - 12 Nov 1941
    CA 711, Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee on War Expenditure - Member
  • 07 Oct 1941 - 21 Sep 1943
    CA 34, Department of Information, Central Office - Minister
  • 07 Oct 1941 - 02 Feb 1945
    CA 9, Postmaster-General's Department, Central Administration - Postmaster-General
  • 21 Sep 1943 - 02 Feb 1945
    CA 2, Federal Executive Council - Vice-President
  • 21 Sep 1943 - 30 Jun 1946
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Deputy Leader of the Government
  • 14 Mar 1944 - 27 Jul 1944
    CA 294, Advisory Committee on Censorship - Member
  • 01 Feb 1945 - 07 Jan 1946
    CA 648, Production Executive of Cabinet - Member
  • 02 Feb 1945 - 06 Apr 1948
    CA 47, Department of Supply and Shipping, Central Office - Minister
  • 30 Jun 1946 - 19 Dec 1949
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Leader of the Government
  • 06 Apr 1948 - 19 Dec 1949
    CA 53, Department of Shipping and Fuel, Central Office - Minister
  • 11 Jan 1949 - 23 Jan 1949
    CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office - Acting Minister
  • 28 Mar 1949 - 27 Apr 1949
    CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office - Acting Minister
  • 20 Dec 1949 - 30 Jun 1951
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Leader of the Opposition
  • 21 Jun 1950 - 21 Nov 1950
    CA 3924, Senate Select Committee on the Constitution Alteration (Avoidance of Double Dissolution Deadlocks) Bill 1950 - Member
Date registered
24 Apr 2002

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