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Person details for: CP 936
Person number
CP 936
Veronica Catherine FORDE
Date range
by 31 Dec 1894 - 09 Nov 1967
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Person registration completed as part of the Prime Ministers Papers Project (December 2001).

Career within Commonwealth

Veronica (Vera) Catherine Forde (nee O’Reilly), daughter of an Irish immigrant J K O’Reilly, was born in Wagga Wagga, NSW. Prior to her marriage she was prominent in raising funds for the Catholic cathedral in her home town and was President of the Mt Erin Ex-Students’ Association. She married Francis (Frank) Michael Forde in February 1925. He was then aged 35 and an ALP backbencher in the House of Representatives. They had four children (three daughters and a son).

Vera avoided political involvement but played a supportive role during her husband’s early Ministerial career in the 1930s, and during the several occasions when he was Acting Prime Minister during World War II. In the latter period the family moved from their home in Queensland to live in Strathfield in Sydney. Vera became Chairwoman of CUSA and was active in other wartime organisations.

In early 1945, Vera Forde accompanied her husband to the Commonwealth Ministers’ Conference in London and then to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco. She was on the first direct Washington-London flight that year when oxygen masks were worn. Shortly after their return to Australia in July 1945 she became Prime Minister’s wife for one week, following the death of John Curtin. When Forde was appointed Australian High Commissioner to Canada in 1946, the family moved to Ottawa where they lived until 1953. On returning to Australia, they lived in St Lucia, Brisbane. For some years Vera was a member of the Catholic Daughters of Australia and a member of the ladies committee of Holy Spirit Hospital, Brisbane.

Reputed to be warm-hearted and unaffected, Vera Forde died in Brisbane in November 1967. She is buried in Toowong Cemetery and was outlived by her husband by 15 years.

Links to other Commonwealth Persons

25 Feb 1925 – 9 Nov 1967: CP 81, The Rt Hon Francis Michael FORDE PC


End notes


Catholic Weekly. 23 Nov 1967, p6

Courier Mail, 10 Nov 1967, p3

Grattan, Michelle, ed, Australian Prime Ministers (Sydney, New Holland Publishers, 2000), pp242-244

Herald, Melbourne, 1 Dec 1976, p27

Who’s Who in Australia 1965 (18th ed) and 1980 (23rd ed)


Date registered
03 Dec 2001

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