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Person details for: CP 150
Person number
CP 150
The Hon James Donald Mathieson DOBIE
Date range
28 Jul 1927 - 25 Nov 1996
Series recorded by this person
Person note
James Donald Mathieson Dobie was born on 28 July 1927, in Glasgow, son of Alexander Dobie of Dumfries, Scotland.  He was educated at Ascot Primary School, Brisbane Grammar School, The University of Melbourne where he took a Bachelor of Commerce Degree and the University of Columbia, New York, where he received an MBA.  He served with 2LAA Regiment RAA (CMF) with the rank of gunner.  From 1943-1966 Mr Dobie was employed in the Bank of New South Wales.  In 1966 he was elected to the House of Representatives as the Liberal member for Hughes (NSW).  In 1969 he became the Liberal member for Cook, NSW.

From 22 February 1967 to 8 September 1971, Mr Dobie was a member of the Joint Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee, being Chairman of the Committee from 1969 to 1971.

From 23 June to July 16 1968 Mr Dobie was a member of the Australian Parliamentary Mission to the States bordering on the Indian Ocean and also a member of the Parliamentary delegation to East Africa.  In October 1970 he was a member of the Australian delegation to the 58th Annual Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union at the Hague.

From 20 August 1971 to 1972, Mr Dobie was Assisting Minister assisting the Prime Minister, the Rt Hon William McMahon.  He lost his Parliamentary seat in 1972 but was re-elected by a 9,000 majority in 1975.  By 1977, Mr Dobie was a member of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts.

In 1973 he was a member of the State Executive of the Liberal Party of NSW and on the Federal Council of the Liberal Party of Australia in 1974.

Mr Dobie retired prior to general elections in 1996.

1. Parliamentary Handbook, 1971, p 121
2. Who's Who in Australia, 1974, p 304
3. The Courier-Mail, 16 Dec 1975, p 3
4. Australian Government Directory, 1977, p 12
5. Parliamentary Handbook, 1988, p 88

Agency associated with person unregistered

23 Jun 1968-16 Jul 1968: Australian Parliamentary Mission to the
                         States bordering the Indian Ocean - Member
       1968-       1968: Parliamentary Delegation to East Africa -
                         Member 58th Annual Conference of the Inter
                         Parliamentary Union at the Hague - Delegate
Agencies associated with person
  • 26 Nov 1966 - 25 Oct 1969
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Hughes (NSW)
  • 22 Feb 1967 - 08 Sep 1971
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member (Chairman from 26/11/69 - 24/08/71)
  • 25 Oct 1969 - 02 Dec 1972
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Cook (NSW)
  • 20 Aug 1971 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Minister Assisting the Prime Minister
  • 13 Dec 1975 - 29 Jan 1996
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Cook (NSW)
  • 03 Mar 1976 - 10 Nov 1977
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 14 Mar 1978 - 04 Feb 1983
    CA 2491, Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence - Member
  • 04 Dec 1980 - 04 Feb 1983
    CA 712, House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories - Member
  • 12 May 1983 - 31 Aug 1990
    CA 3590, Joint Standing Committee on the New and Permanent Parliament House - Member
  • 08 Oct 1987 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 6929, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts - Member
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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