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Person details for: CP 717
Person number
CP 717
Dame Zara Kate HOLT DBE
Date range
10 Mar 1909 - 14 Jun 1989
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Person registration completed as part of the Prime Ministers' Papers Project (September 2001).

Career within Commonwealth

Zara Kate Holt (nee Dickins) was born in Kew (Melbourne) to Sydney Herbert and Violet (McDonald) Dickins. The second of their four children, she was educated at home by a governess until the age of 12, but subsequently attended Ruyton and Toorak Colleges. She first married James Heywood Fell (May 1935), a Captain in the Indian Army, by whom she had three sons. In October 1946, she married Harold Edward Holt, then Member for the Victorian seat of Fawkner (later Higgins) in the House of Representatives. She travelled extensively as a Minister's wife during the Menzies period of government 1949 to 1966, including to the Coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II in 1953, and as the Prime Minister's wife when Holt succeeded Menzies in January 1966. During Holt's two-year term of office she undertook major refurbishment of The Lodge. After his death, she married Henry Jefferson (Jeff) Percival Bate, then Liberal Member for Macarthur (NSW) (February 1969).

Zara Holt was also a successful businesswoman. She opened her first dress shop at 367 Little Collins Street, Melbourne in the late 1920s with Alice Bettine (Betty) James, later wife of architect Roy Grounds. A subsequent fashion boutique 'Magg' in Toorak Village, again operated in partnership with Betty Grounds, was particularly successful and a branch was opened in Rushcutter's Bay, Sydney in the 1960s. In 1961, Zara Holt won the Australian Gown of the Year award. ‘Magg’ was sold in 1976. Zara Holt retained her fashion interests however, and in 1979 was appointed chair of the board of Yves Saint Laurent.

Well-known for her unpretentious warmth, exhuberance and candour, Zara Holt was created a Dame in June 1968. She died on the Gold Coast in 1989. Her funeral was held at St John's Church, Toorak and she is buried at Sorrento (Vic).

Links to other Commonwealth Persons

8 Oct 1946 - 19 Dec 1967: CP 27, The Rt Hon Harold Edward HOLT CH, PC

19 Feb 1969 - 17 Apr 1984: CP 147, Henry Jefferson Percival BATE


Holt, Zara, Cinderella Mousie (unpublished children’s story, June 1968)

Holt, Zara, My Life and Harry (Melbourne, 1968)

End notes


Langmore, Diane, Prime Ministers’ Wives (McPhee Gribble, 1992), pp201-225

Who's Who in Australia 1968 (19th ed), 1977 (22nd ed) and 1988 (26th ed)

Date registered
19 Sep 2001

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