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Person details for: CP 70
Person number
CP 70
Hon Sir Ransley Victor GARLAND KBE
Date range
05 May 1934 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Ransley Victor (later Sir Victor) Garland was born on 5 May 1934 and educated at Hale School and the University of Western Australia, where he majored in Economics. In 1958, he became a partner in the family firm of Garland and Garland (Chartered Accountants). In 1970 the firm merged with another firm to become Garland, Brown and Co and he then became consultant to that firm. 

Before entering federal politics, Garland was a Councillor on the Claremont Town Council (WA) (1963-70), also serving terms as Mayor (from 1967) and Chairman of the Finance Committee, and a Senior Vice President of the WA Branch of the Liberal Party for a period. In April 1969, following the resignation of Sir Paul Hasluck to become Governor General, Garland was elected to the House of Representatives as member for Curtin. 

In the McMahon Government, Garland was Minister of Supply (1971-72), Minister assisting the Treasurer (1972) and served on Parliamentary committees including the House of Representatives' House Committee (1969-71) and Select Committee on Pharmaceutical Benefits (1970-71). During the Whitlam Labor Government, he was Chief Opposition Whip (1974-75), a member of the Opposition Shadow Ministry (1975) and served on Parliamentary committees relating to Prices and Privileges (1973-74) and Standing Orders (1973-75).
When the Fraser Government was returned at the December 1975 election, Garland was for a short period Minister for Posts and Telecommunications and again Minister assisting the Treasurer (1975-76). He resigned from these appointments on 6 February 1976, however, after it was alleged that he had contravened the Commonwealth Electoral Act. He was exonerated soon afterwards, but remained on the backbench until September the following year. At that time, in a Cabinet reshuffle prompted by the resignation of R J Ellicott as Attorney General, Garland became Minister for Veterans' Affairs (1977-78). In this period, he also served on Parliamentary committees relating to New Parliament House (1975-77), Expenditure and Public Accounts and Foreign Affairs and Defence (1976-77) and continued as a member of the Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust Fund (1974-78).

After the election in December 1977, Garland took over the portfolio of Special Trade Representative from John Howard and became Minister assisting the Minister for Trade and Resources (1977-79). As Special Trade Representative, his role was to oversee the opening of wider overseas markets to Australia. Garland visited Iraq for the annual Bagdad International Fair, negotiating a bi-lateral agreement between Australia and Iraq. He also visited Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, the United States, Canada, Europe, Egypt and Indonesia. 

In a later ministerial reshuffle, Garland became Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs and Minister assisting the Minister for Industry and Commerce (1979-80). He was also a member of the Ministerial Council for Companies and Securities and the Standing Committee of Ministers for Consumer Affairs and, until his resignation from the Ministry, Chairman of various industry advisory councils.

Garland was returned to Parliament at the general election of October 1980. A month later it was announced that he would succeed Sir James Plimsoll as Australian High Commissioner in London. He resigned from Parliament in January 1981 and took up the diplomatic appointment in April (1981-83). He has subsequently been a company director.

Sir Victor Garland was made a Knight Commander in the Order of the British Empire (KBE) in 1982.


Australian Parliamentary Handbook 1982, pp 82-3
Commonwealth Government Directory 1980, pp 79, 84-5, 209, 210
National Archives of Australia: CRS M94, Biographical notes on Hon R V Garland, 1972, item 1
Who's Who in Australia 1977, p 415; 2004, p 781
Commonwealth Gazette No S28, 9 Feb 1976; No S186, 6 September 1977
Sydney Morning Herald, 9 March 1976, p 12
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Press release, 2 November

Summary heading

  Sir Victor Garland (CP 70)

Unregistered links

23 Jul 1974-23 Feb 1978:  Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust Fund - Member

1977-                       :  Government Member’ Treasurers Committee – Chairman

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Ministerial Council for Companies and Securities – Member

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Standing Committee of Ministers for Consumer Affairs – Member

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Chemicals and Plastics Industry Advisory Council – Chairman

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Footwear Industry Advisory Council – Chairman

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Processed Food Industry Advisory Council – Chairman

8 Dec 1979-3 Nov 1980 :  Textiles and Apparel Industry Advisory Council - Chairman

Agencies associated with person
  • 19 Apr 1969 - 22 Jan 1981
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Curtin (WA)
  • 25 Nov 1969 - 25 Aug 1971
    CA 730, House of Representatives House Committee - Member
  • 13 Oct 1970 - 26 Aug 1971
    CA 1920, House of Representatives Select Committee on Pharmaceutical Benefits - Member
  • 02 Aug 1971 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 57, Department of Supply, Central Office - Minister
  • 21 Mar 1972 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 11, Department of the Treasury [I], Central Office - Minister Assisting the Treasurer
  • 01 Jun 1972 - 31 Jul 1972
    CA 62, Department of Customs and Excise, Central Office - Acting Minister
  • 01 Mar 1973 - 11 Apr 1974
    CA 724, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges - Member
  • 01 Mar 1973 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 697, House of Representatives Committee on Standing Orders - Member
  • 02 May 1973 - 11 Apr 1974
    CA 1847, [Parliamentary] Joint Committee on Prices - Member
  • 14 Jun 1974 - 26 Mar 1975
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Chief Opposition Whip
  • 30 Sep 1975 - 13 Sep 1977
    CA 3590, Joint Standing Committee on the New and Permanent Parliament House - Member
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 06 Feb 1976
    CA 11, Department of the Treasury [I], Central Office - Minister Assisting the Treasurer
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 06 Feb 1976
    CA 1959, Postal and Telecommunications Department, Policy Secretariat, [Canberra] - Minister
  • 01 Apr 1976 - 13 Sep 1977
    CA 2491, Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence - Member
  • 05 May 1976 - 13 Sep 1977
    CA 3192, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure - Member (Chairman from 6 May 1976)
  • 09 Jun 1976 - 13 Sep 1977
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 06 Sep 1977 - 04 Jul 1978
    CA 2107, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Central Office - Minister
  • 20 Dec 1977 - 08 Dec 1979
    CA 2476, Department of the Special Trade Representative - Minister
  • 20 Dec 1977 - 08 Dec 1979
    CA 2477, Department of Trade and Resources, Central Office - Minister Assisting the Minister
  • 23 Jul 1978 - 09 Aug 1978
    CA 2477, Department of Trade and Resources, Central Office - Acting Minister
  • 08 Dec 1979 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 1951, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, Central Office - Minister
  • 08 Dec 1979 - 03 Nov 1980
    CA 1956, Department of Industry and Commerce [I], Central Office - Minister assisting the Minister
  • 24 Apr 1981 - 31 Dec 1983
    CA 241, Australian High Commission, United Kingdom [London] - High Commissioner
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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