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Person details for: CP 673
Person number
CP 673
Hon Kim CARR
Date range
02 Jul 1955 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Kim Carr (CP 673)

Career within Commonwealth

Kim Carr was born on 2 July 1955 at Tumut, New South Wales.  He graduated with a BA (Hons), MA and Dip Ed (Melbourne) and worked as a teacher from 1979 to 1988 and from 1992 to 1993 at the former Glenroy Technical College.  Between 1988 and 1992 he worked as Policy Analyst and Advisor for Joan Kerner who was then the Victorian Minister for Conservation Forest and Lands and Minister for Education.  He also worked as a Policy Advisor to the Victorian Minister for Planning and Housing, Andrew McCutcheon.  Carr has been a member of the ALP since 1975, serving on the ALP National Executive and been a delegate to the ALP National Conference and the ALP State Conference.

Carr was chosen by the Parliament of Victoria on 28 April 1993 to represent that State in the Senate, in place of John Norman Button who stepped down from the ministry on 31 March 1993, term ending 30 June 1993.  He was elected to the Senate in 1993, terms beginning 1 July 1993, 1998 and 2004.

From 20 March 1996 to 27 March 1997 he was Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate; Parliamentary Secretary representing Education and Youth Affairs in the Senate from 27March 1997 to 26 August 1997; Parliamentary Secretary to the Shadow Minister for Education from 26.August 1997 to 20 October 1998; Parliamentary Secretary representing the Shadow Minister for Education in the Senate from 20.October 1998 to 25 November 2001.

Carr was Shadow Minister for Science and Research from 25 November 2001 to 26 October 2004; Shadow Minister for the Public Service from 18 February 2003 to 8 December 2003; Shadow Minister for Industry and Innovation from 2 July 2003 to 26 October 2004; Shadow Minister for Public Administration and Open Government from 26 October 2004 to 24 June 2005; Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation from 26 October 2004 to 24 June 2005; Shadow Minister for the Arts from 26 October 2004 to 24June 2005; Shadow Minister for Housing and Urban Development from 24 June 2005; Shadow Minister for Local Government and Territories from 24 June 2005 to 10 December 2006; Shadow Minister for Industry from 10 December 2006; and Shadow Minister for Innovation, Science and Research from 10 December 2006 to 3 December 2007.  He was also Manager of Opposition Business in the Senate from 20 March 1996 to 25 November 2001.

Carr has served on numerous Parliamentary Committees, was a member of the parliamentary delegation to Russia and Ukraine in March-April 1995 and a member of the parliamentary delegation to Syria, Lebanon and Israel in November 2003.

Following the 2007 Federal Election, Carr was appointed Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research from 3 December 2007.


Parliament of Australia Web Site, accessed 2 January 2007 and 24 January 2008

Australian Labor Party Web Site, accessed 8 January 2007

Summary heading

Hon Kim Carr

Unregistered links

11 Mar 2002- 15 Nov 2004    Senate Legislative and General Purpose Standing Committee on Employment, workplace Relations and Education: Legislation and References - Member

22 Sep 1994 – 30 Mar 1995    Senate Select Committee on Australian Broadcasting Corporation Management and Operations – Member

18 Nov 2004 – 08 Mar 2005   Senate Select Committee on Administration of Indigenous Affairs - Member

Agencies associated with person
  • 28 Apr 1993 -
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for Victoria
  • 06 May 1993 - 10 Oct 1994
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee B - Member
  • 18 May 1993 - 12 May 1994
    CA 8394, Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Member
  • 18 May 1993 - 10 Oct 1994
    CA 6704, Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training - Member
  • 18 May 1993 - 28 Nov 1995
    CA 3279, Joint Select Committee on Certain Family Law Issues - Member
  • 19 May 1993 - 14 Dec 1996
    CA 8109, Senate Select Committee on the Functions, Powers and Operations of the Australian Loan Council - Member
  • 27 May 1993 - 10 Oct 1994
    CA 2009, Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Member
  • 01 Nov 1993 - 06 Dec 1993
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee A - Member
  • 07 Nov 1993 - 14 Nov 1993
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee D - Member
  • 14 Dec 1993 - 30 Mar 1995
    CA 8366, Senate Select Committee on Certain Aspects of Foreign Ownership Decisions in Relation to the Print Media - Member
  • 10 Oct 1994 - 02 Mar 1995
    CA 8678, Senate References Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Member
  • 10 Oct 1994 - 02 Mar 1995
    CA 8679, Senate Legislation Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Member
  • 10 Oct 1994 - 09 Nov 1998
    CA 8674, Senate References Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education - Member
  • 08 Feb 1995 - 30 Dec 1997
    CA 8357, Senate References Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts - Member
  • 08 Feb 1995 - 29 Apr 1996
    CA 8676, Senate Legislation Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts - Chair
  • 02 May 1996 - 01 Jul 1996
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 02 May 1996 - 11 Feb 2002
    CA 6777, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Procedure - Member
  • 31 May 1996 - 04 Dec 1996
    CA 8918, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties - Member
  • 27 Mar 1997 - 26 Aug 1997
    CA 8245, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, National Office - Parliamentary Secretary representing Education and Youth Affairs in the Senate
  • 12 Mar 1998 - 23 Jun 1998
    CA 4404, Senate Standing Committee on Publications - Member
  • 06 Apr 1998 - 23 Jun 1998
    CA 712, House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories - Member
  • 06 Apr 1998 - 11 Feb 2008
    CA 721, Senate House Committee - Member
  • 24 Nov 1998 - 11 Feb 2002
    CA 8675, Senate Legislation Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education - Member
  • 24 Nov 1998 - 11 Feb 2002
    CA 8674, Senate References Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education - Member
  • 01 Dec 2004 -
    CA 6963, Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters - Member
  • 01 Dec 2004 - 07 Sep 2005
    CA 8802, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund - Member
  • 08 Dec 2005 - 12 Mar 2006
    CA 712, House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories - Member
  • 28 Mar 2006 - 08 Feb 2007
    CA 712, House of Representatives Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories - Member
  • 03 Dec 2007 - 14 Dec 2011
    CA 9186, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Central Office - Minister
Date registered
23 May 1996

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