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Person details for: CP 661
Person number
CP 661
Hon John Philip FAULKNER
Date range
12 Apr 1954 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Hon John Philip Faulkner

Career within Commonwealth

John Faulkner was born on 12 April 1954 in Leeton, NSW. He was educated in the public school system and at Macquarie University where he completed an Arts degree (BA) and Diploma in Education. He was subsequently a member of the Macquarie University Council from 1984 to 1992. After graduating from the University, John Faulkner worked as a specialist teacher of children with severe disabilities in 1977-1979 and as a research officer for the NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation in 1980. After that he was assistant general secretary of the NSW Branch of the Australian Labor Party (ALP) between 1980 and 1989. He has been a member of the ALP National Executive since 1989, a delegate to the National Conference since 1984 and the National President for the period April 2007 to March 2008.

John Faulkner entered the Senate on 4 April 1989 after having been chosen by the Parliament of New South Wales under section 15 of the Constitution to represent that State in the Senate in place of the Hon Arthur Gietzelt, who had just resigned from the Parliament. He was elected for further six-year terms in 1993, 1998 and 2004.

After the election in March 1993, Faulkner became a member of the second Keating Ministry as Minister for Veterans' Affairs and Minister for Defence Science & Personnel from 24 March 1993 to 25 March 1994. Between 1 and 25 March 1994 he was also Minister for Sport and Territories. On 25 March 1994 he moved into Cabinet as Minister for the Environment, Sport and Territories and held this position until 11 March 1996. During this period John Faulkner was also Deputy Government Whip in the Senate from 12 February 1991 to 24 March 1993 and Manager of Government Business in the Senate from 24 March 1993 to 11 March 1996.

After the 1996 Federal election and the defeat of the Labor government under Prime Minister Keating, he became Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and member of the Opposition Shadow Ministry from 19 March 1996 to 22 October 2004. During this period he was the

Shadow Minister for Social Security (20.3.96-27.3.97);

Shadow Minister for Public Administration and Government Services (27.3.97-26.8.97);

Shadow Minister for Public Administration, Government Services and Territories (26.8.97-20.10.98);

Shadow Minister for Public Administration and Government Services (20.10.98-25.11.01);

Shadow Minister for Olympic Coordination and the Centenary of Federation (20.10.98-25.11.01);

Shadow Minister for Public Administration and Home Affairs (25.11.01-18.2.03);

Shadow Special Minister of State and Shadow Minister for Home Affairs (18.2.03-8.12.03);

Shadow Special Minister of State and Shadow Minister for Public Administration and Accountability (8.12.03-22.10.04).

After the 2004 election Senator Faulkner stood down as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and served on the backbench.

John Faulkner has contributed to the work of various Parliamentary committees, was parliamentary delegate to the Australian Constitutional Convention in February 1998 and between 27 June 1996 and 12 March 2008 served as parliamentary representative on the Advisory Council of Australian Archives (from 27 February 1998 – National Archives of Australia Advisory Council).

Following the election of the Rudd Government in November 2007, Senator Faulkner was appointed Special Minister of State from 3 December 2007 to 9 June 2009, Cabinet Secretary from 3 December 2007 to 9 June 2009 and Vice President of the Executive Council from 3 December 2007 to 14 September 2010.

Faulkner was appointed Minister for Defence on 9 June 2009 following the resignation of the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon. Faulkner held the position until he too resigned on 14 September 2010.


John Faulkner and Stuart Macintyre (eds.) True believers: the story of the federal parliamentary Labor Party. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2001


Parliament of Australia Website

Prime Minister of Australia Media Release, accessed 10 June 2009

Senator Faulkner’s Ministerial Home Page, accessed 15 August 2008

Parliament of Australia web site, accessed 4 October 2006, 24 January, 15 May 2008, 1 July 2009 and 19 November 2010.

Australian Labor Party web site, accessed 5 October 2006 and 13 June 2007

Summary heading

Hon John Philip Faulkner

Unregistered links

20 Feb 1991 – 12 May 1993:              Senate Standing Committee on Selection of Bills

26 Jun 1992  16 Sept 1992:             Senate Select Committee on Subscription Television Broadcasting Services

10 Oct 1992 – 19 May 1993:              Senate Select Committee on Functions, Powers and Operations of the Australian Loans Council

18 May 1993 – :                                  Senate Standing Committee on Procedure, Member

2 May 1996 – :                                    Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations and Staffing, Member

28 Jun  2001 – 27 Aug 2001:              Joint Select Committee on Intelligence Services

30 Aug 2004  9 Dec 2004:               Senate Select Committee on Scrafton Evidence, Member

1 July 2005 – 12 Mar 2008:                Parliamentary Retiring Allowances Trust – Member

22 Nov 2010 - 23/3/11                        Parliamentary Budget Office

Agencies associated with person
  • 04 Apr 1989 -
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for New South Wales
  • 10 Apr 1989 - 13 May 1993
    CA 6707, Senate Standing Committee on Transport, Communications and Infrastructure
  • 12 Apr 1989 - 08 May 1990
    CA 6706, Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs
  • 14 Apr 1989 - 14 Apr 1989
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee D
  • 30 May 1989 - 08 May 1990
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances
  • 16 Jun 1989 - 24 Aug 1990
    CA 7471, Senate Select Committee on Health Legislation and Health Insurance
  • 06 Sep 1989 - 11 Apr 1991
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee E
  • 11 May 1990 - 24 Aug 1990
    CA 8394, Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills
  • 11 May 1990 - 06 Mar 1991
    CA 6699, Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts
  • 11 May 1990 - 18 May 1993
    CA 722, Senate Library Committee - Member
  • 16 May 1990 - 18 May 1993
    CA 6963, Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
  • 23 Apr 1991 - 23 Apr 1991
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee A
  • 16 Aug 1991 - 28 Nov 1991
    CA 7427, Senate Select Committee on Political Broadcasts and Political Disclosures
  • 05 Sep 1991 - 05 Sep 1991
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Committee E
  • 16 Jun 1992 - 23 Jun 1992
    CA 8502, Senate Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology - Member
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 25 Mar 1994
    CA 2107, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 25 Mar 1994
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office - Minister for Defence Science and Personnel
  • 18 May 1993 - 06 Feb 2015
    CA 9523, Senate Standing Committee on Procedure
  • 01 Mar 1994 - 25 Mar 1994
    CA 7661, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Central Office - Minister for Sport and Territories
  • 25 Mar 1994 - 11 Mar 1996
    CA 7661, Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories, Central Office - Minister for Environment, Sport and Territories
  • 27 Jun 1996 - 27 Feb 1998
    CA 7199, Advisory Council on Australian Archives - Member
  • 26 Jun 1997 - 18 Nov 1997
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 27 Nov 1997 - 11 Feb 2002
    CA 6963, Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters - Member
  • 02 Feb 1998 - 13 Feb 1998
    CA 8801, Constitutional Convention 1998 - Parliamentary Delegate
  • 27 Feb 1998 - 12 Mar 2008
    CA 8575, National Archives of Australia Advisory Council - Member
  • 10 Dec 1998 - 12 Oct 2000
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 22 Apr 1999 - 11 Feb 2002
    CA 722, Senate Library Committee - Member
  • 13 Feb 2002 - 15 Sep 2004
    CA 8677, Senate Legislation Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Member
  • 14 Feb 2002 - 23 Oct 2002
    CA 9182, Select Committee on a Certain Maritime Incident - Member
  • 09 Mar 2004 - 31 Aug 2004
    CA 6963, Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters - Member
  • 18 Nov 2004 - 11 Feb 2008
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Chair
  • 18 Nov 2004 - 07 Dec 2005
    CA 722, Senate Library Committee - Member
  • 01 Dec 2004 - 11 Feb 2008
    CA 3175, Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings - Member
  • 09 Dec 2005 - 11 Feb 2008
    CA 9032, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - Member
  • 03 Dec 2007 - 09 Jun 2009
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Cabinet Secretary
  • 03 Dec 2007 - 14 Sep 2010
    CA 2, Federal Executive Council - Vice-President
  • 03 Dec 2007 - 09 Jun 2009
    CA 9194, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Central Office - Special Minister of State
  • 09 Jun 2009 - 14 Sep 2010
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office - Minister
  • 30 Sep 2010 -
    CA 8677, Senate Legislation Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Member
  • 30 Sep 2010 -
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
  • 30 Sep 2010 - 01 Jul 2011
    CA 8362, Senate Reference Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Member
  • 30 Sep 2010 -
    CA 8575, National Archives of Australia Advisory Council - Member
  • 30 Sep 2010 - 10 Feb 2011
    CA 6923, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Member
  • 16 Nov 2010 -
    CA 9032, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - Member
Date registered
06 Feb 1996

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