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Person details for: CP 660
Person number
CP 660
Hon Peter Richard STAPLES
Date range
15 Oct 1947 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
The Hon Peter Staples was elected to the House of Representatives as member for Jagajaga on 1 January 1984.
Agencies associated with person
  • 05 Mar 1983 - 30 Nov 1984
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Diamond Valley
  • 01 Dec 1984 - 29 Jan 1996
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Jagajaga
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 15 Feb 1988
    CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - Minister Assisting the Treasurer for Prices
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 15 Feb 1988
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Consumer Affairs
  • 15 Feb 1988 - 07 May 1990
    CA 5985, Department of Community Services and Health, Central Office - Minister for Housing and Aged Care
  • 07 May 1990 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 7297, Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, Central Office - Minister for Aged, Family and Health Services
  • 09 Feb 1994 - 29 Jan 1996
    CA 6943, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
Date registered
01 Feb 1996

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