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Person details for: CP 627
Person number
CP 627
Hon John Charles KERIN AM
Date range
21 Nov 1937 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Mr Kerin was born in Bowral, NSW and was educated at Hurlstone Agricultural High School, Bowral High School, Picton Evening College and the Australian National University.
Mr Kerin was first elected to the seat of Macarthur in 1972 but lost the seat in the election of 1975. He then gained the seat of Werriwa in a by-election in 1978. He became a member of the Shadow Ministry in 1980 as Spokesman on Primary Industry.
On the election of the Labor Government in 1983 Mr Kerin became the Minister for Primary Industry and later Primary Industries and Energy. Mr Kerin held these positions until 1991 when he became Treasurer. Later the same year Mr Kerin transferred to the portfolio of Transport and Communication. This position was of a short duration before Mr Kerin became Minister for Trade and Overseas Development. Mr Kerin held this position until shortly before his resignation from Parliament in 1993.  

Agencies associated with person
  • 02 Dec 1972 - 13 Dec 1975
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Macarthur (NSW)
  • 23 Sep 1978 - 13 Dec 1993
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Werriwa
  • 11 Mar 1983 - 04 Jun 1991
    CA 479, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand - Chairman
  • 11 Mar 1983 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3799, Australian Forestry Council - Chairman
  • 11 Mar 1983 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 1960, Department of Primary Industry [II], Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 04 Jun 1991
    CA 5990, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Central Office - Minister
  • 04 Jun 1991 - 09 Dec 1991
    CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - Treasurer
  • 09 Dec 1991 - 27 Dec 1991
    CA 5992, Department of Transport and Communications, Central Office - Minister
  • 27 Dec 1991 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office - Minister for Trade and Overseas Development
Date registered
23 Dec 1993

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