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Person details for: CP 571
Person number
CP 571
Hon John Sydney DAWKINS AO
Date range
02 Mar 1947 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
John Sydney Dawkins was elected to the House of Representatives for Tangney, Western Australia in 1974. He was defeated in 1975.  He was re-elected for Fremantle, Western Australia in 1977, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1990 and 1993.

On election of the Hawke Government in March 1983, John Dawkins was appointed Minister for Finance.  Following the Government's re-election in October 1984, Dawkins became the Minister for Trade.  He retained this position until July 1987.  He was Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Public Service Matters from July 1983 to December 1984 and the Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Youth Affairs from December 1984 to July 1987.  After the elections of July
1987, Mr Dawkins was appointed Minister for Employment, Education and Training.  He was Treasurer from December 1991 to December 1993. 

Dawkins resigned from the Parliament on 4 February 1994.
Agencies associated with person
  • 18 May 1974 - 13 Dec 1975
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Tangney, Western Australia
  • 18 Jul 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 3140, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Member
  • 10 Dec 1977 - 04 Feb 1994
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Fremantle, Western Australia
  • 14 Mar 1978 - 08 Sep 1981
    CA 3140, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Member
  • 14 Mar 1978 - 24 May 1978
    CA 3192, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure - Member
  • 10 May 1979 - 19 Sep 1980
    CA 3192, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure - Member
  • 11 Mar 1983 - 13 Dec 1984
    CA 2140, Department of Finance [I], Central Office - Minister
  • 13 Dec 1984 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3500, Department of Trade [II], Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 27 Dec 1991
    CA 5986, Department of Employment, Education and Training, National Office - Minister
  • 27 Dec 1991 - 23 Dec 1993
    CA 4498, Economic Planning Advisory Council/ (from 1994) Economic Planning Advisory Commission - Member
  • 27 Dec 1991 - 23 Dec 1993
    CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - Treasurer
Date registered
19 Feb 1992

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