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Person details for: CP 505
Person number
CP 505
Date range
17 Jul 1950 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Senator Nick Bolkus was born in Adelaide on 17 July 1950. He has a law degree, LL.B. (Adel.), and after graduating practised as a solicitor in Adelaide.

Before entering Federal politics, Senator Bolkus spent eight years in Canberra working for two Whitlam Government ministers, Senator the Hon Reginald Bishop, Postmaster-General and Clyde Cameron, Minister for Science and Consumer Affairs.

He was elected as a Senator for South Australia in 1980 and re-elected in 1983, 1984, 1987 and 1990. In February 1988 he was appointed Minister for Consumer Affairs and Minister Assisting the Treasurer for Prices. After the 1990 Federal election he was appointed the Minister for Administrative Services [III] (CA 5983) and remained as such until after the 1993 Federal election when he became the Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (CA 7757). He held this position until the defeat of the Keating Government on 2 March 1996.  On 11 March 1996 he was appointed as Shadow Attorney-General and Minister for Justice.

Since entering Parliament, he has also served on several Parliamentary Committees, including Privileges, Scrutiny of Bills, Allegations Concerning a Judge, and the National Crime Authority.

The Senator has represented the Commonwealth Parliament at the Constitutional Conventions of 1983 and 1985. He was the Australian Government Representative at the installation of the Nicaraguan President in January 1985. Senator Bolkus represented the Senate at the National Crime Summit in July 1983 and in 1986 was Parliamentary Representative to the 41st General Assembly of the United Nations. In October 1987 Senator Bolkus was the Australian representative at the South Pacific Commission Conference.
The Hon Nick Bolkus retired from Parliament on the expiration of his Senate term on 30 June 2005.


Parliamentary Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australia (1991) 
Who's Who in Australia
Parliamentary Handbook On-line, Current Members of the Senate,, accessed Jan 2006.

Agency associated with person unregistered

25 Aug 1981 - 15 Jun 1984: Senate Standing Committee on Privileges _ MEMBER
 20 May 1985 - 05 Jun 1987: Senate Standing Committee on Priveleges - MEMBER 
 20 Apr 1983 - 21 Feb 1987: Senate Standing Committee on Scrutiny of Bills - MEMBER
 30 Mar 1984 - 24 Aug 1988: Senate Select Committee on Conduct of a Judge - MEMBER
 10 Sep 1984 - 31 Oct 1984: Senate Select Committee on Allegations Concerning a Judge - MEMBER
 28 Feb 1985 - : Joint Statutory Committee on the National Crime Authority - MEMBER
Agencies associated with person
  • 18 Oct 1980 -
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for South Australia (term began 1 Jul 1981)
  • 25 Aug 1981 - 09 Sep 1981
    CA 1937, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 25 Aug 1981 - 15 Jun 1984
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
  • 26 Aug 1981 - 04 Feb 1983
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Member - A
  • 22 Sep 1982 - 26 Oct 1982
    CA 3922, Senate Select Committee on Industrial Relations Legislation - Member
  • 21 Apr 1983 - 24 Feb 1988
    CA 1937, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member; Chairman (from 19 Mar 1987): Chairman (from 06 Oct 1987)
  • 22 Apr 1983 - 21 Feb 1985
    CA 8394, Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Member
  • 04 May 1983 - 05 Jun 1987
    CA 727, Senate Committee on Disputed Returns and Qualifications - Member
  • 28 Feb 1985 - 05 Jun 1987
    CA 2491, Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence - Member
  • 29 May 1985 - 05 Jun 1987
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
  • 24 Sep 1987 - 18 Mar 1988
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Member
  • 09 Oct 1987 - 24 Feb 1988
    CA 6923, Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade - Member
  • 16 Feb 1988 - 04 Apr 1990
    CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - Minister Assisting the Treasurer for Prices
  • 16 Feb 1988 - 04 Apr 1990
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Consumer Affairs
  • 04 Apr 1990 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 5983, Department of Administrative Services [III], Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 11 Mar 1996
    CA 7662, Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [II], Central Office - Minister
Date registered
26 Sep 1990

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