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Person details for: CP 483
Person number
CP 483
Hon Alan Gordon GRIFFITHS
Date range
04 Sep 1952 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Career within the Commonwealth


Alan Gordon Griffiths was born in Melbourne on the 4 September 1952. He holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University.


In 1983 Griffiths was elected to the House of Representatives for Maribyrnong, Victoria, representing the Australian Labour Party. Griffiths was re-elected to the House of Representatives for Maribyrnong, Victoria, in 1984, 1987, 1990 and 1993. Prior to his parliamentary career, he worked as a lawyer, trade union official, political adviser, scaffolder/rigger and taxi driver.


During the Hawke Government, Griffiths was a member of a number of House of Representative Standing Committees, including those for Privileges, Legal and Constitutional Affairs, and Industry, Science and Technology. In addition, he was also a member of the Joint Statutory Committee for the National Crime Authority. His first ministerial portfolio was Resources, later becoming Minister for Tourism and the Minister for Industry, Technology and Regional Development. Griffiths did not contest the 1996 election.




Parliament of Australia website;query=Id:handbook%2Fallmps%2F0H4

Agencies associated with person
  • 05 Mar 1983 - 29 Jan 1996
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Maribyrnong (Victoria)
  • 11 May 1983 - 26 Oct 1984
    CA 724, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges - Member
  • 12 May 1983 - 26 Oct 1984
    CA 5566, Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform - Member
  • 08 Oct 1987 - 19 Feb 1990
    CA 6943, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Chairman
  • 03 Apr 1990 - 29 Jan 1996
    CA 2, Federal Executive Council - Member
  • 04 Apr 1990 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 3799, Australian Forestry Council - Chairman
  • 04 Apr 1990 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 5990, Department of Primary Industries and Energy, Central Office - Minister for Resources
  • 27 Dec 1991 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 7432, Department of Tourism, Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 23 Jan 1994
    CA 7659, Department of Industry, Technology and Regional Development, Central Office - Minister
Date registered
27 Apr 1990

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