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Person details for: CP 478
Person number
CP 478
Hon Duncan James Colquhoun KERR SC
Date range
26 Feb 1952 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

 Duncan Kerr (CP 478)

Unregistered links

 2 Nov 1988 - 13 Apr 1989:  Joint Select Committee on Corporations Legislation – Member

 1989 – 1992 - Joint Commonwealth and State Governments Taskforce on Tasmanian Employment (TASPACT) – Member

 24 Mar 1993 - 11 Mar 1996:  National Crime Authority Inter-Governmental Committee - Chair


Summary heading

Hon Duncan James Colquhoun Kerr SC

Career within Commonwealth

Duncan James Colquhoun Kerr was born at Hobart on 26 February 1952 and educated at Claremont High School, Hobart Matriculation College and the University of Tasmania. Prior to entering federal politics, he was a Crown Counsel in the Solicitor-General's Department, Tasmania (1980-1983), a Lecturer (1983-1984) and Dean of the Faculty of Law (1985) at the University of Papua New Guinea, Principal Solicitor with the Aboriginal Legal Service Ltd, New South Wales (1986) and Legal Officer for the Hobart Community Legal Service (1987).

In June 2004 Kerr was appointed Senior Counsel. He has maintained his practice rights and has appeared pro bono in major public interest cases before the High Court of Australia. In July 2007 Duncan was appointed Adjunct Professor of Law at the Queensland University of Technology.

Kerr was elected to the House of Representatives as Member for the Tasmanian seat of Denison in July 1987. He defeated Michael Hodgman QC, the sitting Liberal Party Member and a former federal Minister, and has retained the seat for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) at seven subsequent elections. He has been a Member of the ALP's National Executive since 1998.

In the Keating Government, Kerr was Attorney General (April 1993) and Minister for Justice (1993-1996). His extensive Parliamentary committee service includes with House of Representatives and Joint House committees relating to Privileges (1987-1990 and 1999), Legal and Constitutional Affairs (1987-1993 and from 1996), Public Accounts and Selection (1990-1993), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (Chair, 1990-1993), Corporations and Securities (1991-1993), Family and Community Affairs (1996-1997), Environment, Recreation and the Arts (1997-1998), National Crime Authority (1998-2003, now Australian Crime Commission) and Environment and Heritage (since 2002).

Kerr has also been Assistant to the Leader of the Opposition on Multicultural Affairs (1996-1997); held the Opposition Shadow portfolios of Population and Immigration (1996-97), Environment (1997-1998), Arts (1998-2001) and assisted the Shadow Minister for Population (2000-01); been a member of several Parliamentary delegations over the last 15 years, including to Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands (2000); and was a member of the International Commission of Jurists Mission to Papua New Guinea (2003).

He was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs from 3 December 2007 by the Rudd Labor Government.

On 11 September 2009 Duncan Kerr advised Prime Minister Kevin Rudd that he would not contest the next federal election and that he intended to relinquish his position as Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs. He retired from politics on 19 July 2010.


DJC Kerr, Annotated Constitution of Papua New Guinea, UPNG Press, Port Moresby, 1985 

DJC Kerr, Essays of the Constitution, PNG 10th Independence Committee, Port Moresby, 1985

DJC Kerr (ed,), Reinventing Socialism, Pluto Press, Leichhardt, NSW, 1992

DJC Kerr, Elect the Ambassador! Building Democracy in a Globalised World, Pluto Press, 2001


Duncan Kerr Website, accessed 6 Oct 2009

Parliament of Australia Website, accessed 6 October 2009

Who’s Who in Australia 1998, p901

Agencies associated with person
  • 11 Jul 1987 - 19 Jul 2010
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Denison (Tasmania)
  • 08 Oct 1987 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 6943, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 08 Oct 1987 - 19 Feb 1990
    CA 724, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges - Member
  • 15 May 1990 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 7009, House of Representatives Selection Committee - Member
  • 16 May 1990 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 3140, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Chair
  • 16 May 1990 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 702, Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit - Member
  • 07 Mar 1991 - 08 Feb 1993
    CA 8817, Parliamentary Joint Statutory Committee on Corporations and Securities - Member
  • 24 Mar 1993 - 11 Mar 1996
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Justice
  • 01 Apr 1993 - 27 Apr 1993
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Attorney-General
  • 25 May 1996 - 17 Nov 1997
    CA 6933, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs - Member
  • 30 May 1996 - 03 Aug 2004
    CA 6943, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 18 Jun 1996 - 17 Nov 1997
    CA 7622, Joint Standing Committee on Migration - Member
  • 17 Nov 1997 - 31 Aug 1998
    CA 6929, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts - Member
  • 08 Dec 1998 - 01 Jan 2003
    CA 8760, Joint Select Committee on the National Crime Authority - Member
  • 19 Oct 1999 - 24 Nov 1999
    CA 724, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Privileges - Member
  • 20 Mar 2002 - 17 Oct 2007
    CA 9177, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage - Member
  • 02 Dec 2004 - 17 Oct 2007
    CA 6943, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 09 Dec 2004 - 01 Dec 2005
    CA 9002, Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD - Member
  • 02 Dec 2005 - 17 Oct 2007
    CA 9032, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - Member
  • 03 Dec 2007 - 14 Dec 2009
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office - Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs
  • 30 Nov 2009 - 19 Jul 2010
    CA 8918, Joint Standing Committee on Treaties - Member
  • 30 Nov 2009 - 19 Jul 2010
    CA 9256, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Innovation - Member
  • 30 Nov 2009 - 19 Jul 2010
    CA 9232, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government - Member
Date registered
03 Apr 1990

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