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Person details for: CP 457
Person number
CP 457
The Rt Hon Sir Ninian Martin STEPHEN KG, AK, GCMG, GCVO, KBE, PC, KStJ, QC
Date range
15 Jun 1923 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Sir Ninian Martin Stephen was born at Nettlebed near Oxford (UK) on 15 June 1923 to Frederick and Barbara Stephen. He was educated at George Watson's School and the Edinburgh Academy, at St Paul's School, London and Chillon College, Glion, Switzerland. 
Arriving in Australia in 1940, Sir Ninian briefly attended Scotch College, Melbourne. In 1941 he commenced a law degree at the University of Melbourne whilst an articled clerk. During World War II he served with the Australian Army in the Pacific (1941-46) and was commissioned as a Lieutenant in 1945. In 1946 Sir Ninian resumed his legal studies, graduating in 1949. He practiced as a barrister and solicitor and was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1952; became a Queen's Counsel (QC) in 1966; and was appointed a Judge of the Victorian Supreme Court in June 1970.  

In this period, Sir Ninian served for many years on the Victorian Bar Council and as a consultant in the Faculty of Law and member of the Faculty Board at Monash University. He was also a Member of the Council of International House at the University of Melbourne, and was later the University's Deputy Chancellor (1980-82).  

In March 1972 Sir Ninian was appointed a Justice of the High Court of Australia and served on this bench for ten years. He became a Member of the Privy Council (PC) in 1979 and sat on its Judicial Committee in 1981. Sir Ninian retired from the High Court of Australia as Senior Puisne Justice in early 1982, following the announcement of his appointment as Australia's 20th Governor-General. He was sworn in as Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Force of Australia on 29 July 1982. Later that year he visited Yugoslavia, Italy and the United Kingdom (to make the customary call on Her Majesty the Queen). He also visited Canada for discussions with the Canadian Governor-General. His term as Governor-General expired on 15 February 1989.

In recent years, Sir Ninian has held various Australian and international appointments, including as Ambassador for the Environment (1989-92); Member and Chairman of the National Library Council (1989-94); Chairman, Second Strand, Northern Ireland Talks (1992); Judge, International Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (1993-97); Chairman, Citizenship Council (1998-2000); Chairman, Gene Technology Community Consultative Committee and Member, International Olympics Committee Ethics Commission (since 2002).
Sir Ninian was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) in 1972; a Knight of the Order of Australia (AK), Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG), Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) and Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem (KStJ) in 1982; and a Knight Garter (KG) in 1994. He was a recipient of the Centenary Medal in 2003. Sir Ninian died in 2017 aged 94.

Australian Encyclopaedia, 1983, p 186
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No S162, 29 July 1982
Department of the Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories press release, 22 Feb 1989
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet press release, 17 Aug 1988
Parliamentary Handbook 1988, p 3
Who's Who in Australia 1971, p 860; 1985, p 803; 2004, p 1906
Agencies associated with person
  • 01 Mar 1972 - 12 Aug 1973
    CA 8286, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Melbourne [Victoria] - Justice
  • 14 Aug 1973 - 31 Dec 1980
    CA 8287, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Sydney [New South Wales] - Justice
  • 31 Dec 1980 - 11 May 1982
    CA 624, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Canberra [Australian Capital Territory] - Justice
  • 29 Jul 1982 - 16 Feb 1989
    CA 1, Governor-General - Governor-General
  • 22 Feb 1989 - 31 Dec 1994
    CA 755, National Library of Australia - Council Member and Chairman
  • 01 Mar 1989 - 31 Dec 1992
    CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office - Ambassador for the Environment
Date registered
27 Jun 1989

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