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Person details for: CP 439
Person number
CP 439
Rev Fr The Hon Michael Carter TATE AO
Date range
06 Jul 1945 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Michael Carter Tate was born in Sydney, New South Wales on 6 July 1945.  He was educated at St Virgil's College, Hobart, the University of Tasmania where he was awarded a Bachelor of Laws with Honours, and at Oxford University where he studied theology for his Master of Arts. Subsequently he was a lecturer in Law at the University of Tasmania (1972-78), Dean of its Law Faculty (1977-78) and a member of the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (1972-78).  

Tate was first elected as an ALP Senator for Tasmania in 1977 (term began 1 July 1978). He was re-elected in 1983, 1987 and again in 1993. In this period he was also a member of the ALP National Executive (1984-85).
During his career in federal politics, Michael Tate was Special Minister of State (1987), Minister for Justice (1987-90), Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs (1990-92), Minister for Justice and Minister Assisting the Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (1992-93). He also served on several Senate Committees:- National Resources (1978-83), Senate Estimates (1978-85 and 1993), Constitutional and Legal Affairs (1978-87), Passenger Fares and Services to Tasmania (1980-81), Regulations and Ordinances (1980-85), Foreign Affairs and Defence (1983-84), Scrutiny of Bills (1983-87 and 1993), Conduct of and Allegations Concerning a Judge (1984), Human Embryo Experimentation Bill (1985-86), Appropriations and Staffing and Community Affairs (1993).  

Tate was also associated with several Australian Constitutional Conventions, as Legal Adviser to the Tasmanian Parliamentary Delegation (1973-77) and as a member of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Delegations to Perth (July 1978), Adelaide (April 1983) and Brisbane (July 1985). He was President of the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship (1985-88), a member of other Parliamentary delegations and made several official visits overseas. He has also been a long-standing member of Amnesty International. 

Following his resignation from federal Parliament, Michael Tate was appointed Ambassador to The Netherlands and the Holy See (1993-96). He was made an Officer within the Order of Australia (AO) in January 1996, and was ordained a Catholic priest in Tasmania in 200O.


1. Parliamentary Handbook 1993 (26th ed)
2. Who's Who in Australia 2003
3. Examiner Newspaper 18 Feb 1987

Agency associated with person unregistered

22 Apr 1983-25 Feb 1987: Senate Standing Committee on the Scrutiny of
                         Bills - Member/Chairman from 4  May 1983
30 Mar 1984-24 Aug 1984: Senate Select Committee on the Conduct of a
                         Judge - Member/Chairman from 2 Apr 1984
10 Sep 1984-31 Oct 1984: Senate Select Committee on Allegations
                         Concerning a Judge - Member/Chairman from
                         13 Sep 1984
Agencies associated with person
  • 01 Jul 1977 - 05 Jul 1993
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for Tasmania
  • 17 Aug 1978 - 25 Feb 1987
    CA 1937, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member/Chairman (from 22 Apr 1983)
  • 17 Aug 1978 - 04 Feb 1983
    CA 2490, Senate Standing Committee on National Resources - Member
  • 20 Sep 1978 - 02 Apr 1981
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Estimates (B) - Member
  • 22 Apr 1980 - 21 Feb 1985
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 22 May 1980 - 18 Aug 1981
    CA 3290, Senate Select Committee on Passenger Fares and Services to and from Tasmania - Member
  • 02 Apr 1981 - 04 Feb 1983
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Estimates (A) - Member
  • 22 Apr 1983 - 25 Feb 1987
    CA 8394, Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Member/Chairman (from 4 May 1983)
  • 04 May 1983 - 23 Aug 1984
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Estimates (E) - Member
  • 12 May 1983 - 26 Oct 1984
    CA 2491, Joint Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence - Member
  • 23 Aug 1984 - 21 Feb 1985
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Estimates (D) - Member
  • 15 May 1985 - 27 Nov 1985
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Temporary Chairman of Committees
  • 31 May 1985 - 14 Nov 1985
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 17 Oct 1985 - 08 Oct 1986
    CA 5583, Senate Select Committee on the Human Embryo Experiment Bill 1985 - Member/ Chairman (from 28 Nov 1985)
  • 16 Feb 1987 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3497, Department of the Special Minister of State [II], Central Office - Minister
  • 24 Jul 1987 - 18 Sep 1987
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Parliamentary Secretary for Justice
  • 18 Sep 1987 - 04 Apr 1990
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Justice
  • 04 May 1990 - 27 May 1992
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs
  • 27 May 1992 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 5988, Department of Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs, Central Office - Minister Assisting the Minister
  • 27 May 1992 - 24 Mar 1993
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Minister for Justice
  • 06 May 1993 - 05 Jul 1993
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Estimates (C) - Member
  • 15 May 1993 - 05 Jul 1993
    CA 8394, Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Bills - Member
  • 18 May 1993 - 05 Jul 1993
    CA 6706, Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs - Member
  • 01 Dec 1993 - 31 Dec 1996
    CA 8039, Australian Embassy to the Holy See, Italy [Rome] - Ambassador
  • 01 Dec 1993 - 31 Dec 1996
    CA 6917, Australian Embassy, The Netherlands [The Hague] - Ambassador
Date registered
09 Mar 1988

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