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Person details for: CP 351
Person number
CP 351
Hon Barry COHEN AM
Date range
03 Apr 1935 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note

Summary heading

Hon Barry Cohen

Career within Commonwealth

Barry Cohen was born on 3 April 1935 in Griffith, New South Wales. He was educated at Griffith High School, Sydney Grammar School, North Sydney Technical High School and received a Bachelor of Arts from the Australian National University.

Cohen was elected to the House of Representatives for the seat of Robertson, New South Wales, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1984 and 1987.

In the Hawke Labor Government he was Minister for Home Affairs from 11 March 1983 to 13 December 1984, Minister for Arts, Heritage and Environment from 13 December 1984 to 24 July 1987 and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Bicentennial from 13 December 1984 to 24 July 1987. He retired prior to the 1990 Federal Election.

Cohen is an author with many of his publications making the best-seller list. He was also a columnist for The Bulletin from 1987-1991 and The Australian from 1991 to 1997.

On 11 June 2007 he was made a Member of the Order of Australia for service to the Australian Parliament and to the community through a range of cultural and environmental roles and contributions to public discussion and debate.


Celebrity Speakers Web Site, accessed 23 Apr 2009

It's an Honour website, accessed 28 April 2009

Who’s Who in Australia 1998, pp380-381

Agencies associated with person
  • 16 Apr 1970 - 02 Nov 1972
    CA 716, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs - Member
  • 11 May 1972 - 02 May 1973
    CA 3280, House of Representatives Select Committee on Road Safety - Member
  • 02 May 1973 - 10 Apr 1974
    CA 3280, House of Representatives Select Committee on Road Safety - Chair
  • 18 Jul 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 3177, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Road Safety/ (from 1985) House of Representatives Standing Committee on Transport Safety - Chair
  • 18 Jul 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 730, House of Representatives House Committee - Member
  • 11 Nov 1975 - 04 Oct 1977
    CA 3177, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Road Safety/ (from 1985) House of Representatives Standing Committee on Transport Safety - Member
  • 08 Dec 1976 - 26 Oct 1978
    CA 3281, House of Representatives Select Committee on Tourism - Member
  • 14 Mar 1978 - 19 Sep 1980
    CA 3173, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation - Member
  • 11 Mar 1983 - 13 Dec 1984
    CA 3068, Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Central Office - Minister
  • 13 Dec 1984 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 4131, Department of Arts, Heritage and Environment, Central Office - Minister
  • 13 Dec 1984 - 24 Jul 1987
    CA 3997, Australian Bicentennial Authority, National Office - Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Bicentennial
Date registered
01 Jan 1800

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