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Person details for: CP 320
Person number
CP 320
Sir Frederick Geoffrey SHEDDEN KCMG, OBE
Date range
08 Aug 1893 - 08 Jul 1971
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Frederick Geoffrey Shedden was born on 8 August 1893 in Kyneton, Victoria and was educated at Kyneton Grammar School. In 1910 he commenced as a junior clerk in the Department of Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. During World War I he served overseas from 1917 to 1920 with the Australian Imperial Forces as a Lieutenant in the Australian Army Pay Corps. He returned to work in the Department of Defence in 1920.
From 1924 to 1929 he served as a military accountant in the
Department of Defence while studying part-time for a Bachelor of Commerce degree. In 1928 he was sent to London to study defence administration, financial administration and higher defence policy at the Imperial Defence College. While in London he attended lecture courses at the London School of Economics, University of London, on the machinery of government and public finance. In 1929 he was attached to the War Office to study financial administration. On his return to Australia in 1932 he was awarded a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Melbourne University. He returned to the Department of Defence to serve as secretary and advisor to several important committees. He was appointed First Assistant Secretary in 1936 and was made Secretary of the Department of Defence in November 1937.  During the war, the functions of this agency changed. From 1939 to 1942, therefore, Shedden was Secretary of the Department of Defence Co-ordination. In 1942 he was once again Secretary for the
Department of Defence.
During the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s Shedden travelled extensively overseas. He was attached to the Secretariat of the Disarmament Conference in 1932 and the British Cabinet Office and Committee of Imperial Defence from 1932 to 1933. He travelled with the delegation to the World Economic Conference in 1933 and the Defence Conference in Wellington, New Zealand in 1934. He was an advisor to the
delegation to the Imperial Conference in 1937. Shedden accompanied the Prime Minister on all major journeys overseas in 1941, 1944, 1946, 1951 and 1955. In 1949 he travelled to the United States of America, United Kingdom and Canada for defence discussions and he attended the ANZUS Council in 1952.
Shedden became an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1933 and was created a Companion of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George in 1941 and a Knight Commander of the Order in 1943.  
Sir Frederick retired from the Department of Defence in 1956 and began writing a history of Australian Defence Policy. The manuscript was left unfinished and unpublished at his death on 8 July 1971.  

J P Buckley, "Sir Frederick Shedden, KCMG, OBE, Defence Strategist, Administrator and Public Servant", Defence Force Journal, No 50, January/February 1985, pp 21-49
Warren Perry, "Sir Frederick Shedden, 1893-1971: An Appreciation", The Victorian Historical Magazine, Vol 42, No 3, August 1971, pp 632-637.
Who's Who in Australia, 1938, 1947, 1959, 1968
Agencies associated with person
  • 01 Mar 1910 - 31 Dec 1917
    CA 6, Department of Defence [I] - Clerk
  • 01 Jan 1924 - 31 Dec 1929
    CA 19, Department of Defence [II] (Central Administration) - Military Accountant
  • 01 Jan 1935 - 31 Dec 1935
    CA 8055, Council of Defence [IV] - Assistant Secretary
  • 01 Jan 1936 - 31 Dec 1937
    CA 19, Department of Defence [II] (Central Administration) - First Assistant Secretary
  • 17 Nov 1937 - 12 Nov 1939
    CA 19, Department of Defence [II] (Central Administration) - Secretary
  • 01 Dec 1937 - 31 Dec 1939
    CA 8055, Council of Defence [IV] - Assistant Secretary
  • 27 Sep 1939 - 19 Jan 1946
    CA 1468, War Cabinet Secretariat - Secretary
  • 13 Nov 1939 - 14 Apr 1942
    CA 37, Department of Defence Co-ordination, Central Office - Secretary
  • 28 Oct 1940 - 30 Aug 1945
    CA 495, Advisory War Council - Secretary
  • 01 Jul 1941 - 31 Dec 1941
    CA 43, Department of Home Security - Secretary
  • 14 Apr 1942 - 28 Oct 1956
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office - Secretary
  • 01 Jan 1946 - 31 Dec 1956
    CA 8055, Council of Defence [IV] - Member
  • 01 Jan 1948 - 31 Dec 1956
    CA 289, Defence Committee [II] - Chairman
  • 08 Dec 1950 - 31 Dec 1954
    CA 162, National Security Resources Board - Member
Date registered
19 Sep 1988

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