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Person details for: CP 314
Person number
CP 314
Sir Peter James LAWLER OBE
Date range
23 Mar 1921 -
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Peter James Lawler was born in Sydney, New South Wales, on 23 March 1921. He was educated at Marist Brothers and Christian Brothers schools and the St Stanislaus College, Bathurst. He gained a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Sydney.
In 1947 he began his public service career joining the Department of Post-War Reconstruction as a research officer and economist. In 1951 he was promoted to Principal Research Officer with the Prime
Minister's Department. Between 1952 and 1953 he was with the Ecomonic Section of the British Cabinet Office in London. During the 1960s Lawler progressed in the Prime Minister's Department becoming a First Assistant Secretary in 1962 and Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet Office in 1968. He was a member of the Advisory Council to CSIRO from approximately 1965 to 1967. In 1972 he became Secretary of the Department of the Special Minister of State.
From 1975 to March 1983 he was Secretary of the Department of Administrative Services. In addition to his departmental duties, in 1975 he served on the Interim Board of the Australian
Telecommunications Commission and was a Commissioner of the Overseas Telecommunications Commission. From 1975 to 1978 Sir Peter was a member of the National Library of Australia Advisory Council. He remained with the Department of Administrative Services as a Special Advisor until he was appointed Ambassador to Ireland and
non-residential Ambassador to the Holy See in June 1983. Sir Peter retired from the Commonwealth Public Service in 1985.
While in Canberra in the late 1950s he became an active member of the local Australian Labor Party Branch. He was awarded an OBE in the early 1960s and was made a Knight Bachelor in the Queen's Birthday Honours list of 1981. Since 1975 he has been a member of the Council of the Order of Australia and the Australian Decorations Advisory Committee.
Sir Peter has been married twice, his first wife having died in 1957. He has seven children.

1. Who's Who in Australia, 1962, 1965, 1968, 1985, 1988
2. Commonwealth Directory, 1967
3. Commonwealth Government Directory, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979 
4. Commonwealth Gazettes, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1962, 1965 
5. The National Times, 20 October 1975, p 8
6. The Canberra Times, 15 June 1981, p 11
7. The Canberra Times, 26 March 1983, p 1
8. The Canberra Times, 11 May 1983, p 3
9. Prime Minister's Press Release, 25 March 1983

Agency associated with person unregistered

by 1965-? 1967: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
                Organisation Advisory Council - Member
   1975-  1978: National Library of Australia Council - Member
   1975-      : Australian Decorations Advisory Committee - Member
   1975-      : Council of the Order of Australia - Member
Agencies associated with person
  • 17 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1950
    CA 49, Department of Post-War Reconstruction, Central Office - Senior Research Officer and Economist
  • 01 Jan 1951 - 31 Dec 1968
    CA 12, Prime Minister's Department - Principal Research Officer (1950-1952); Deputy Assistant Secretary (1952-1955); Assistant Secretary (1955-1962); First Assistant Secretary (1962-1966); Acting Secretary (1966-1968)
  • 01 Jan 1969 - 11 Mar 1971
    CA 1285, Department of the Cabinet Office - Deputy Secretary
  • 12 Mar 1971 - 18 Dec 1972
    CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Deputy Secretary
  • 19 Dec 1972 - 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1490, Department of the Special Minister of State [I], Central Office - Secretary
  • 01 Jan 1975 - 21 Dec 1975
    CA 2066, Interim Board of the Australian Telecommunications Commission - Commissioner
  • 01 Jan 1975 - 21 Dec 1975
    CA 270, Overseas Telecommunications Commission (OTC) (Australia) - Commissioner
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 10 May 1983
    CA 1964, Department of Administrative Services [II], Central Office - Secretary (22 Dec 1975-10 May 1983); Special Advisor (26 Mar 1983-10 May 1983)
  • 01 Jun 1983 - 31 Dec 1985
    CA 1330, Australian Embassy, Ireland [Dublin] - Ambassador to Ireland and The Holy See
Date registered
19 Sep 1988

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