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Person details for: CP 311
Person number
CP 311
Hon Ralph James Dunnett HUNT AO
Date range
31 Mar 1928 - 22 May 2011
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Ralph Hunt was born at Narrabri, NSW on 31 March 1928 and educated at Scots College, Sydney. On leaving school he helped manage the family property near Moree and soon after joined the Country Party. He held several party positions, including as Chairman, Gwydir Federal Electorate Council (1953-69), Chairman, Australian Country Party, NSW Division (1964-69) and Chairman, Party Wool Committee (1967-69). He was also active in local government as a Councillor on the Boomi Shire Council (1956-68, Vice-President 1962-68), a Councillor on the North West County Council (1962) and President of the Moree and District Local Government Association (1962-65).

Elected to the House of Representatives at a by-election in June 1969, as Country (later National) Party member for Gwydir (NSW), Hunt held the seat for nearly 20 years until his resignation in February 1989.

In February 1971, a month before Gorton stepped down as Prime Minister, Hunt was appointed Minister for the Interior. McMahon retained him in the portfolio until the Liberal Coalition Government's defeat in December the following year. During the Whitlam Labor Government, Hunt was a member of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (1973-75, and the select committee which preceded it 1972-73) and Opposition Shadow Ministry spokesman on environment and conservation (1974-75).

When the Fraser Liberal Coalition Government was returned to office in December 1975 Hunt became Minister for Health (1975-79), and was subsequently Minister for Transport (1979-82) and later Minister for Transport and Construction (1982-83). During the Hawke Labor Government, he was a member of the Shadow Ministry and spokesman on trade (1984) and primary industry (1984-87). He also served on parliamentary committees relating to Electoral Reform and Expenditure (1983-84), Industry, Science and Resources and New Parliament House (1987-89); was a member of the Australian Political Exchange Committee (1984-89); Deputy Leader of the National Party (1984-87) and Federal Treasurer of the National Party (1987-2002).

Since leaving federal politics, Hunt has held various appointments including as a Director, East West Airlines (1989-92); Member, Old Parliament House Advisory Committee (1993-95); Chairman, Western Lands Advisory Board (1989-2000) and Director, West 2000 Board (1997-2001).

Ralph Hunt was made an Officer in the Order of Australia (AO) in 1990.

Parliamentary Handbook of the Commonwealth of Australia 1984, pp 106-7; 1988, pp 126-7; 1991, p 235
Who's Who in Australia 1988, p 458; 2004, p 1045
Department of Transport and Construction news release, 19 May 1982

Summary heading

  Hon Ralph Hunt (CP 311)

Unregistered links

1972-1973: House of Representatives Select Committee on Aboriginal Affairs – Member

1993-1995: Old Parliament House Advisory Committee - Member

Agencies associated with person
  • 07 Jun 1969 - 24 Feb 1989
    CA 692, Department of the House of Representatives - Member for Gwydir (NSW)
  • 05 Feb 1971 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 31, Department of the Interior [II], Central Office - Minister
  • 29 May 1973 - 20 May 1975
    CA 3140, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Member
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 08 Dec 1979
    CA 17, Department of Health, Central Office - Minister
  • 08 Dec 1979 - 07 May 1982
    CA 1492, Department of Transport [III], Head Office/ (from 1975) Central Office, Canberra and Melbourne - Minister
  • 07 May 1982 - 11 Mar 1983
    CA 3257, Department of Transport and Construction, Central Office - Minister
  • 12 May 1983 - 01 May 1984
    CA 5566, Joint Select Committee on Electoral Reform - Member
  • 08 Dec 1983 - 02 Mar 1984
    CA 3192, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure - Member
  • 23 Sep 1987 - 24 Feb 1989
    CA 3590, Joint Standing Committee on the New and Permanent Parliament House - Member
  • 08 Oct 1987 - 24 Feb 1989
    CA 6944, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources - Member
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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