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Person details for: CP 25
Person number
CP 25
Malcolm Lindsay SHEPHERD CMG, ISO
Date range
27 Oct 1873 - 25 Jun 1960
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Malcolm Lindsay Shepherd was born at Cambewarra, on the south coast of New South Wales, in 1873 and attended St Phillips Church of England Grammar School in Sydney. He worked as a clerk in the General Post Office in Sydney (1890-1901), then the Commonwealth Postmaster-General's Department in Melbourne (1901-04), before becoming Private Secretary to, successively, Prime Ministers Deakin, Watson, Reid and Fisher (1904-11). 

With the establishment of the Prime Minister's Department, Shepherd became its first Secretary (1911-21), during the terms of Prime Ministers Fisher, Cook and Hughes. He also served as the first Secretary to both the Historic Memorials Committee and the Art Advisory Board; accompanied Fisher to the inauguration of the Union of South Africa in 1910 and to the Imperial Conference and Coronation of His Majesty George V in London in 1911; accompanied Hughes to the Imperial Conference in London in 1916; and, with S M Bruce, was one of two Australian delegates to the Second Assembly of the League of Nations in 1921. Shepherd was then appointed Official Secretary to the Australian High Commission in London (1921-27). In this period he was also Acting High Commissioner for several months (1921) and Australian representative on the Imperial War Graves Commission, serving on the Belgian and French committees, and the Pacific Cable Board. 

On his return to Australia, Shepherd became Secretary to the Department of Defence (1927-37). A first generation senior Commonwealth public servant, he was made a Companion of the Imperial Service Order (ISO) in 1920 and a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in 1935. He retired in 1937 and died in East Melbourne in 1960. 


Australian Dictionary of Biography, Vol 11, 1891-1939, p 592
National Archives of Australia, M L Shepherd memoirs: CRS A1632
Who's Who in Australia 1959, p 725

Summary heading

  M L Shepherd (CP 25)

Unregistered links

  c1921 – c1927:  Imperial War Graves Commission – Australian Representative

  c1921 – c1927:  Pacific Cable Board – Australian Representative

Agencies associated with person
  • 09 Apr 1890 - 28 Feb 1901
    CA 1030, General Post Office, Sydney (also known as Postal Department (until 1865) then Postmaster-General's Department, 1865-1901; Postmaster-General's Department, State Administration, New South Wales, 1901-1975) - Clerk
  • 01 Mar 1901 - 26 Apr 1904
    CA 9, Postmaster-General's Department, Central Administration - Clerk
  • 27 Apr 1904 - 01 Jul 1911
    CA 588, Prime Minister's Office - - Private Secretary
  • 01 Jul 1911 - 27 Jan 1921
    CA 12, Prime Minister's Department - Secretary
  • 22 Dec 1911 - 27 Jan 1921
    CA 290, Historic Memorials Committee - Secretary
  • 21 Aug 1912 - 27 Jan 1921
    CA 119, Art Advisory Board/ (from 1959) also known as Commonwealth Art Advisory Board - Secretary
  • 01 Feb 1921 - 15 Jul 1927
    CA 241, Australian High Commission, United Kingdom [London] - Official Secretary
  • 22 Apr 1921 - 10 Nov 1921
    CA 241, Australian High Commission, United Kingdom [London] - Acting High Commissioner
  • 15 Jul 1927 - 16 Nov 1937
    CA 19, Department of Defence [II] (Central Administration) - Secretary
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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