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Person details for: CP 157
Person number
CP 157
Hon Sir Reginald Charles WRIGHT Kt
Date range
10 Jul 1905 - 10 Mar 1990
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Reginald (later Sir Reginald) Charles Wright was born at Central Castra, Tasmania in 1905 and educated at Devonport High School and the University of Tasmania. A barrister and solicitor, he was admitted to the Tasmanian Bar (1928) and became a lecturer in law at the University of Tasmania (1931-46, excluding 1941-44). In 1941, Wright enlisted in the 2nd Australian Imperial Force and was appointed a Lieutenant in 6th Australian Field Regiment. He was promoted to Captain in the Australian Field Artillery AIF in 1943 and placed on the retired list on 13 July 1944. 

After the war, Wright entered state politics as Liberal member for Franklin in the Tasmanian House of Assembly. Before resigning to successfully contest the December 1949 federal election, he was also Deputy Leader of the Opposition in Tasmania.

In February 1950, Wright began his 28-year term in Commonwealth Parliament as a Senator for Tasmania. One of his first federal Parliamentary appointments was as Government Whip in the Senate (1950-51). He was also President of the Tasmanian Liberal Party (1955-56). 

During his Parliamentary career, Wright held only two portfolios:- as Minister for Tourist Activities under the Minister for Trade and Industry (1968-71) and as Minister for Works (1968-72) in the Gorton and McMahon Governments. He served extensively on various parliamentary committees, however, sometimes on more than one occasion and including committees relating to Standing Orders, Regulations and Ordinances, Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Privileges and Senate Estimates (see related agencies for full details).

Wright resigned from the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party on 1 June 1978 on a matter of principle concerning the Parliamentary Superannuation Amendment Bill. The Bill provided for lump sum payments for retiring senators and members who had been federal Ministers. Later the same month, as an Independent, he also retired from the Senate. 

Sir Reginald Wright was created a Knight Batchelor (Kt) in June 1978 and died in March 1990.


Who's Who in Australia 1959, p 871; 1974, p 1069; 1988, p 950
Australian Parliamentary Handbook 1973, p 224; 1978, pp 178-9
J Rydon, A Biographical Register of the Commonwealth Parliament 1901-1972, p 228
The Canberra Times, 2 June 1978, p 1

Summary heading

  Sir Reginald Wright (CP 157)

Unregistered links

  11 Nov 1976-3 Dec 1976: Senate Select Committee on Operations of the Mount Lyell Company - Chairman

Agencies associated with person
  • 22 Feb 1950 - 30 Jun 1978
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for Tasmania
  • 23 Feb 1950 - 19 Mar 1951
    CA 703, Commonwealth Board of Inquiry into the Coal Mining Industry - Member
  • 23 Feb 1950 - 19 Mar 1951
    CA 3175, Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings - Member
  • 23 Feb 1950 - 16 Mar 1951
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Government Whip
  • 01 Nov 1950 - 30 Nov 1950
    CA 4196, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Australian Branch - Member of Australian Delegation to Wellington, New Zealand
  • 16 Feb 1956 - 09 Aug 1962
    CA 725, Senate Committee on Standing Orders - Member
  • 23 Feb 1956 - 28 Feb 1968
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 29 May 1956 - 26 Nov 1959
    CA 717, [Parliamentary] Joint Committee on Constitutional Review - Member
  • 01 Jun 1958 - 30 Sep 1958
    CA 1777, Senate Select Committee on Payments to Maritime Unions - Chairman
  • 07 Dec 1962 - 29 Oct 1963
    CA 1693, Senate Select Committee on the Encouragement of Australian Productions for Television - Member
  • 08 Apr 1965 - 19 Aug 1971
    CA 725, Senate Committee on Standing Orders - Member
  • 26 Aug 1965 - 31 Oct 1966
    CA 716, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs - Member
  • 19 Dec 1967 - 11 Mar 1968
    CA 6831, Senate Select Committee on Off-Shore Petroleum Resources - Chairman
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 61, Department of Works [III], Central Office - Minister
  • 28 Feb 1968 - 31 May 1971
    CA 66, Department of Trade and Industry, Central Office - Minister for Tourist Activities
  • 01 Sep 1971 - 30 Sep 1971
    CA 4196, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Australian Branch - Leader of Australian Delegation to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 07 Mar 1973 - 16 Oct 1974
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 15 Mar 1973 - 11 Apr 1974
    CA 1937, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 01 May 1973 - 11 Apr 1974
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
  • 03 May 1973 - 07 Jun 1973
    CA 2492, Senate Select Committee on Shipping Services Between King Island, Stanley and Melbourne - Member (Chairman from 17 May 1973)
  • 10 May 1973 - 16 Mar 1978
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Member (A: 10 May 1973-11 Apr 1974; F: 15 Apr 1974-26 Aug 1976, Chairman from 5 May 1976; E: 26 Aug 1976-16 Mar 1978, Chairman from 14 Sep 1976)
  • 19 Mar 1974 - 25 Sep 1974
    CA 2009, Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration - Member
  • 11 Dec 1974 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 1937, Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs - Member
  • 12 Feb 1975 - 30 Jun 1978
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 23 Apr 1975 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 3278, Senate Select Committee on the Corporations and Securities Industry Bill, 1975 - Member
  • 22 Jul 1975 - 30 Jun 1978
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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