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Person details for: CP 153
Person number
CP 153
The Hon Ivor John GREENWOOD QC
Date range
15 Nov 1926 - 13 Oct 1976
Series recorded by this person
Person note
Ivor Greenwood was born in Melbourne, Victoria on 15 November 1926. He was educated at Hartwell and Mont Albert State Schools before going to Scotch College in 1941. By 1945 Greenwood had entered the University of Melbourne to study law and became President of the University Liberal Club (1947) and the Students Representative Council (1949). He was subsequently an Associate to Sir Frank Kitto in the High Court (1950) and to the Chief Justice, Sir Owen Dixon (1950-1952). He was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1951.
Greenwood became active in the Liberal Party of Victoria in the 1950s, and was a member of its Executive (1952-66) and Vice-President (1966-68). In this period he continued to practice law and was Secretary to the Law Council of Australia (1963-68). He was made a Queen's Counsel (QC) in 1969. In February 1968, when John Gorton resigned from the Senate to move to the House of Representatives, Greenwood was chosen to replace him as a Senator for Victoria.

In the Gorton Government, Greenwood served on Senate committees relating to Off-shore Petroleum Resources and Regulations and Ordinances (1968-71, Chairman from December 1969), Privileges (1968-75) and Senate Estimates (1970). In the McMahon Government he was Minister for Health (1971), then Attorney General (1971-72).

During the Whitlam Labor Government, Greenwood was Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (1972-75), a member of the Federal Parliamentary Liberal Party Opposition Executive (1972-74) and the Shadow Ministry (1974-75). He was also a member of Parliamentary committees relating to Senate Estimates (1973-75), Standing Orders (1973-76) and the Corporations and Securities Industry Bill (1975). In 1973, Greenwood visited China and was a Commonwealth Parliamentary delegate to the Australian Constitutional Convention in Sydney.

In the Fraser 'Caretaker' Government, Greenwood was again Attorney General and Minister for Police and Customs (November-December 1975). He then became Minister for the Environment, Housing and Community Development and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate. In May 1976, however, he became ill during a sitting of Parliament. The latter two appointments were relinquished in July and he died three months later. At that time, political colleagues paid tribute to Senator Greenwood's sustained commitment to causes or principles, belief in the rule of law, skill as a debater, sense of humour and zest for work. 

Senate Hansard, No 19, 13 October 1976, pp 1139-1147
Who's Who in Australia 1971, p 411
Australian Parliamentary Handbook 1973, p 110; 1976 Supplement, p 77; 1978, p 218
Sydney Morning Herald, 8 May 1976, p 1
Australian Government Gazette, No S230, 12 November 1975, p 1; No S262, 22 December 1975, p 22 
J. Rydon, Biographical Register of the Commonwealth Parliament 1901-1972 (ANU Press 1975) p 94

Agencies associated with person
  • 01 Jan 1950 - 31 Dec 1952
    CA 8286, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Melbourne [Victoria] - Associate to Justice Sir Frank Kitto (1950) and Chief Justice Sir Owen Dixon (1950-52)
  • 21 Feb 1968 - 13 Oct 1976
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Senator for Victoria
  • 13 Mar 1968 - 31 Mar 1971
    CA 6831, Senate Select Committee on Off-Shore Petroleum Resources - Member (Chairman from 9 Dec 1969)
  • 20 Mar 1968 - 30 Mar 1971
    CA 726, Senate Standing Committee on Regulations and Ordinances - Member
  • 21 Aug 1968 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 7645, Senate Committee of Privileges - Member
  • 16 Sep 1970 - 20 Apr 1971
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Member (C)
  • 22 Mar 1971 - 02 Aug 1971
    CA 17, Department of Health, Central Office - Minister
  • 02 Aug 1971 - 05 Dec 1972
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Attorney General
  • 20 Dec 1972 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Deputy Leader of the Opposition
  • 09 May 1973 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 6770, Senate Estimates Committees - Member (A: 9 May 1973-15 Apr 1975; F: 15 Apr -11 Nov 1975)
  • 07 Jun 1973 - 13 Oct 1976
    CA 725, Senate Committee on Standing Orders - Member
  • 03 Sep 1973 - 07 Sep 1973
    CA 4357, The Australian Constitutional Convention, Sydney - Member of Commonwealth Parliamentary Delegation
  • 23 Apr 1975 - 11 Nov 1975
    CA 3278, Senate Select Committee on the Corporations and Securities Industry Bill, 1975 - Member
  • 12 Nov 1975 - 22 Dec 1975
    CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Attorney General
  • 12 Nov 1975 - 22 Dec 1975
    CA 1862, Department of Police and Customs, Central Office - Minister
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 08 Jul 1976
    CA 1954, Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development, Central Office - Minister
  • 22 Dec 1975 - 07 Jul 1976
    CA 691, Department of the Senate - Deputy Leader of the Government
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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