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Agency details for: CA 3404
Agency number
CA 3404
Australian Chemical Warfare Research and Experimental Section, Innisfail/ (from 1944) Australian Field Experimental Station, Proserpine [Queensland]
Date range
01 Jan 1943 - 30 Jun 1946
Organisation controlling
  • 01 Jan 1943 - 30 Jun 1946
  • 31 Dec 1944 - 30 Jun 1946
Agency status
Local Office
Agency note

This agency was established by the Experimental and Research Committee of the Chemical Defence Board (CA 3403) in 1943 to conduct trials of chemical weapons and chemical defence measures under tropical conditions. Such a body was first proposed in 1942, but a U K Liaison Committee from the British Chemical Defence Experimental Station at Porton Down, which visited Australia in mid-1942 under Major F.S. Gorrill recommended against it. The Chemical Defence Board, nevertheless proceeded and trials were conducted at Innisfail in 1943-1944.

A number of unexpected results plus reflection on the fact that alternative facilities for tropical testing at the time were limited to one establishment in India, led to reconsideration by the British. (1) As a result the Australian Field Experimental Station was set up jointly with the British in 1944 at Proserpine with Gorrill (now Lieutenant Colonel) as Chief Superintendent. Both service and civilian staff were employed, the principal civilian appointee being Dr A.H.Ennor (subsequently Sir Hugh Ennor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University and Secretary of the Department of Education and Science). (2) Australian, British and U.S. personnel were involved and, in 1945 at the Station's peak, about 300 people were employed.

Administration, liaison, and circulation of reports was handled by the Secretariat of the Chemical Defence Board, in Melbourne. (3)

In October 1945 the War Cabinet considered the future of the Station. It directed that investigational work should cease forthwith and that the Station should be replaced on a "care and maintenance" basis by 15 December 1945 and remain as such until 30 June 1946, during which time a committee appointed by the Department of Munitions considered whether any possible uses could be found for the site. (4)


1. D.P. Mellor: The Role of Science and Industry (Australia in the War of 1939-1945, Series 4, Vol 5) (1958: Australian War Memorial Canberra), p.375

2. Department of Munitions, Staff File: Chemical Defence Section, Munitions Supply Laboratories. Australian Archives MP 66/1, item Org. 30/4.

3. Ibid.

4. War Cabinet Agendum 485/1945. Also Mellor, op. cit. p.379

Historical agency address

1943-1944: Innisfail, Qld

1944-1946: Prosperpine, Qld

Superior agency
  • 01 Jan 1943 - 30 Jun 1946
    CA 3403, Chemical Warfare Board/ (from 1931) Chemical Defence Board
Date registered
30 Sep 1987

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