This series consists of posters and pamphlets which have been produced by the Commonwealth Advertising Division (and its
successors) on behalf of various Commonwealth Agencies. Items relate to various loans (Liberty, Victory and Security), recruiting for the Armed Services and the Commonwealth Public Services, road safety, health, and other matters.
Items have been grouped, alphabetically, by name of the various agencies for whom the advertisements were produced. Due to the varying sizes of the items it has been necessary to group them into three(3) distinct sets i.e.:
Set 1 Small- Folders [1] to [117] Boxes 1-9 (Type one boxes)
Set 2 Medium - Folders [118] to [162] Boxes 10-12 (Type 10 boxes)
Set 3 Large - Folders [163] to [178] (Poster size items which have been placed in map cabinet drawers).