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Series details for: C4009
Series number
Historical photographic prints, Post Office series
Accumulation dates
circa 01 Jan 1880 - circa 31 Dec 1970
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 01 Jan 1880 - 01 Jan 1901
    CA 1030, General Post Office, Sydney (also known as Postal Department (until 1865) then Postmaster-General's Department, 1865-1901; Postmaster-General's Department, State Administration, New South Wales, 1901-1975)
Agency/person controlling
  • 01 Jul 1975 -
    CA 2558, Australian Postal Corporation, State Office, New South Wales
Quantity and location
  • 0.36 metres held in NSW
System of arrangement/ control
Single number system
Range of control symbols
1 - 71 (The photographs themselves have been divided into two groups, the first being images of buildings and the second shots of post office personalities.)
Predominant physical format
Series note
These photographic prints were acquired by the Historical Section of the General Post Office from official sources and through donation from the relatives of former employees of the postal service.

They are of varying sizes while some are of irregular shape.

For ease of identification the prints are grouped according to subject. Images include builings placed in alphabetical order, individuals (identified and unknown), and social or sporting groups (identified or unknown) arranged in chronological order.

Some of the prints were copied years ago and appear in the N and HN series of photographs which were also maintained by the Historical Section.

The bulk of the items in this series, particularly those relating to post office buildings, date from late last century through to the early years of the twentieth century. The photographs within the collection also represent people and areas throughout New South Wales, although a significant number of photographs within the series do depict the Sydney GPO.

All items from this series have been added to the Archives' item level database.

In 2003, Preservation staff carried out intensive conservation treatment on item 58 as part of a photographic conservation course. As a result a preservation copy of the print was produced. This copy was not transferred as a separate item, but is in the same enclosure as the original.
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
05 Jul 1993

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