This series consists of posters that emanated from the Headquarters in Melbourne and by the New South Wales Administration Office in Sydney. It was designed to promote post office products and services and to advertise career opportunities in the postal services.
The records were collected by the NSW Historical Section over many years prior to its closure late in 1988. While in that section they were stored in 'Postpak' mailing tubes in no order.
To facilitate identification and retrieval of certain items, the posters have since been grouped under specific subjects and then chronologically. These include:
General (postal products and services)
Telegraph, telephone and telex
Radio and television
Many posters were printed in two sizes, a larger size intended for the wall of post offices and a smaller size for use as a counter sign.
Neither headquarters nor the NSW postal administration appear to have kept a master set.
All items within this series have been added to the Archives' item level database.