This series was created in the mid 1950's by the former NSW Historical Section to meet the research and reference needs of the area. It consists of a number of manila folders kept in alphabetical order. They contain material on present and past employees of the Postal Service, as well as information both on famous individuals in British and Australian history and on pioneering families.
These files were raised following either the appointment of senior officials or the retirement of long-serving officers. Others were created following the publication of newspaper articles or as a result of genealogical enquiries from the public. The folders contain questionnaires sent to former employees by the Post Office Historical Society affiliated with the New South Wales Postal Institute. Dating from the 1930's these questionnaires provide details of service history as well as anecdotal material. The records also include personal history cards (P7's and P8's), transcripts from the "Transmitter" magazine, press cutting and memorabilia.
The folders ceased to be maintained with the closure of the NSW Historical Section in October 1988.