This series consists of establishment drawings from the Production Office, Cockatoo Island Dockyard. Some drawings are folded, while others are rolled.
The Production Office was responsible for building works, equipment and plant, including fixed plant and facilities, used and maintained on the Island.
The drawings have been incorporated into a subject arrangement with some drawings marked with a single or double letter prefix indicating the subject classification. Subjects include Arrangement of Dockyard (AD), Buildings (B), Docks 1 & 2 (D), Electrical (E), Furniture and fixures (F), Machinery (M), Pipes (PA - PW), Slipways (S), Vehicles (V), Vessels (V- VO), Wharves (W). Some drawings were also given an imposed running number and indexed accordingly. Other drawings were indexed using the original drawing number.
The series also includes hand painted drawings and blueprints.