This series consists of technical reports in booklet form, dated 1955 to 1960. Detailed information includes Suggestions for The Investigation of the Disposal of Active and Other Effluent at A.A.E.C. Laboratories, Tables of Resolving Time Correction, The Thorium, Estimation of Traces of Nickel in Sodium Metal, Analytical Chemistry of Beryllium - A Bibliography of References to the Published Literature and Reports 1945-1957, Calculations of Thermal Stresses in HIFAR Reactor Shell Structure, Detection of Traces of Oxygen in Gases, The Absorption of Radioactive Iodine 131 on Mud, Statistical Design Basis for Fast Scaling Systems, Energy and Lethargy Distribution of Neutrons Slowing Down in Graphite, The Determination of the Formation Constant of Indiumacetylacetonate by an Extraction Method - Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R. (translation), Botanical Information Applicable to The Lucas Heights Area in 1955. The series is arranged by single number with 'K' prefix.