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Series details for: C2633
Series number
Training pamphlets/manuals issued in Vietnam
Accumulation dates
03 May 1966 - 05 Mar 1972
Items in this series on RecordSearch
No items from the series are on RecordSearch. Please contact the National Reference Service if you need assistance.
Agency/person recording
  • 03 May 1966 - 05 Mar 1972
    CA 5969, Headquarters, Australian Force Vietnam
Agency/person controlling
  • 03 May 1966 -
    CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
Quantity and location
  • 3.24 metres held in NSW
System of arrangement/ control
By title
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note
The series consists of various bound publications providing practical and procedural information on the use of equipment, the conduct of warfare, the observance of ceremonial functions and the undertaking of other duties required to be performed by the armed forces in Vietnam.  Catalogues of Army films, and audio visual training aids (both 1968), and alphabetical indexes to film strip titles and numbers (1969) are included.  The items are of various sizes.
Related series
  • 03 May 1966 - 05 Mar 1972
    AWM98, Records of Headquarters Australian Force Vietnam (Army Component)
Date registered
13 Jan 1989

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