These are tri-separation positives of films produced by the Film Division between 1955 and 1965. The FP number corresponds to the film production file created for the film. Originally the registration system followed was a consecutive single number with a FP prefix. This system was changed in 1965 to correspond with the financial year. Each financial year was given a number and this was followed by a further number starting with 001.
Tri-separation positives were made, largely contemporaneously with the actual productions, to ensure preservation of colour film. For each production there were three separation positives made on black and white film, through cyan, yellow and magenta filters. From these, a composite colour print of the film could be reconstituted as required.
In some cases a print was made to test the tri-separation positives and the print has been included with the tri-separations.
Related series unregistered
General correspondence files, 1948-1964 (see ST3469)
Film production files, single number series with 'FP' prefix c 1945-
1965 (see SP1265/1)
Subsequent series unregistered
Tri-Separation Positives of Film productions, annual single number series, 1965+