This series consists of original program recordings made by the ABC and processed on gramophone discs. The recordings cover a wide range of subject matter and are controlled by a subject classified system. The subject classifications and their meanings are as follows:
AA Australian Aborigines
AR Art
BR Broadcasting
ED Education
F/D Features and Documentaries
MU Music
NAT Native music and speech
OC Occasions - state, national, etc.
PO(L) Politics - Australia
PO(O) Politics - Overseas
REL Religion
REM Reminiscences of Australian Life and affairs
RO Royalty
RU Rural
SC(A) Science - Aeronautical
SC(E) Science - Exploration
SC(M) Science - Medical
SC(P) Science - Physics
SP(A) Sport - Athletics
SP(C) Sport - Cricket
SP(F) Sport - Football
SP(M) Sport - Miscellaneous
SP(R) Sport - Racing
SP(T) Sport - Tennis
TH Theatre
VAR Variety and Light Entertainment
W(AP) War (WW2) - Australian and Pacific Theatre
W(FE) War (WW2) - Far East Theatre
W(ME) War (WW2) - Middle East Theatre
W(AP) War (WW2) - Atlantic and European Theatres
W(RP) Warfare - General recollections