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Series details for: BP361/1
Series number
Correspondence files relating to publicity censorship, multiple number series
Accumulation dates
12 Sep 1939 - 31 Dec 1945
Contents dates
1939 - 1945
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 12 Sep 1939 - 31 Dec 1945
    CA 7435, Department of Information, State Publicity Censor, Queensland
Agency/person controlling
  • 20 Dec 2017 -
    CA 9577, Department of Home Affairs [IV], Central Office - National security operations
Quantity and location
  • 2.88 metres held in QLD
System of arrangement/ control
Multiple number
Range of control symbols
1/1/1 part 1 - 14/2/55 with gaps
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
Manilla folders containing unfastened papers consisting of; Letters received, copies of letters sent, memos, telegrams, reports,
instructions, newspaper cuttings, censors reports (Form 2) pamphlets, brochures and gazette extracts relating to the control of publicity censorship during the 1939/45 War.
History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:
"Prior to transfer-" In 1939 the Dept. of Information had two branches, Information and Publicity Censorship. In Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane the publicity censorship was separated from
communications censorship under the control of a State Publicity Censor responsible to the Chief Censor, Melbourne. The State
Publicity Censor was responsible for the administration of censorship in relation to the Press, Broadcasting and Films for the whole of his state which entailed that the standing rules for press, broadcasting and film censorship were not contravened. The Agency operated in Brisbane from 1939 to 1945, and upon cessation their records were forwarded to their Sydney Office and later transferred to the Commonwealth Archives Office, Sydney and accessioned as SP 111. On advice from the Chief Archivist the accession was transferred to Brisbane in April, 1972, Sydney advising that there was no check list for the accession. Upon processing the accession was arranged into order of series and check lists prepared. It appears that only two primary classifications were ever used, i.e. Number 1 and 2. Number 1 seems to have been used for individual broadcasting and press organisations whilst 2 apparently was used for general subjects. No part numbers were originally given to files and where there was more than one part have been arranged into alphabetical order.  The whereabouts of missing files of related controls is unknown and it must be assumed they have been destroyed.

The Australian Archives, Brisbane Office decided, for ease of identification, to add part numbers to the records that had been originally arranged alphabetically. 
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Creating department:      DEPT. OF INFORMATION, PUBLICITY
                          CENSORSHIP, (Q'LD) STATE PUBLICITY CENSOR 
Transferring department:  DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION, PUBLICITY                           				  CENSORSHIP, (Q'LD) STATE PUBLICITY CENSOR Date of transfer:                 04/04/1972
Archives file number:     RWB23/1/1

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
  • 89 . Digital image charge: Small-Medium
Date registered
04 Apr 1972

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