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Series details for: BP320/4
Series number
Consolidated Alphabetical Index of Constituent Particulars of Trade Marks A-Z Nos 1 - 73883.
Accumulation dates
02 Jul 1906 - 31 Dec 1940
Contents dates
1906 - 1940
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 02 Jul 1906 - 31 Dec 1906
    CA 1246, Patent Office, Queensland
  • 31 Dec 1907 - 31 Dec 1938
    CA 899, Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Sub-Office, Queensland
Agency/person controlling
  • 25 Feb 1998 -
    CA 8554, Intellectual Property Australia, Queensland
Quantity and location
  • 0.72 metres held in QLD
System of arrangement/ control
Primarily alphabetical, then class and registered number
Range of control symbols
A - Z, monograms - letter, class, Nos 1 - 73883
Predominant physical format
Series note
Description of series:
21 volumes, each 13"x8"x1" containing printed pages on which are arranged in strict alphabetical order constituent particulars of Trade Marks together with their respective class and registered number. An asterik following a word indicates a device, a dagger indicateds a device and a work, and the absence of either of these symbols indicates that the constituent particular is the work alone. The volumes are labelled A - Z, with overlapping, and there is a separate volume for monograms and letters.
History Prior/Subsequent to Transfer:
PRIOR TO TRANSFER: Prior to 1905 each Australian State had independent jurisdiction in respect of Trade Marks and enacted their own laws in the matter. The Commonwealth Constitution Act (9th July, 1900) gave the Federal Government power to legislate concerning Trade Marks and the first Commonwealth Trade Marks Act was passed in 1905. The Act came into operation on the 2nd July 1906, on which date the administration of the States Trade Marks Act of each Australian State was transferred to the Commonwealth and the powers and functions vested under State laws became vested in the Commonwealth. Within the Department of Trade and Customs a Commonwealth Trade Marks Office was established on the 2nd July, 1906, and the Commissioner of Patents appointed to act also as the Registrar of Trade Marks. Under the Act all applications for registration of Trade Marks then had to be lodged at the Commonwealth Trade Marks Office, Melbourne.
Alphabetical indexes of constituent particulars of Trade Marks were compiled by the Commonwealth Trade Marks Office Canberra in 1940 and copies forwarded to sub-offices in each State. On the 9th November 1936, control of the Commonwealth Trade Marks Office was transferred from Dept. of Trade and Customs to the Investigation Branch of the Commonwealth Attorney General's Dept.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number:              CA 17
Creating department:      ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S, INVESTIGATION BRANCH,                           				  PATENT,TRADEMARKS,DESIGNS & COPYRIGHTS                           SUBOFFICE,BRISBANE
Transferring department:  ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S,
                          PATENTS,TRADEMARKS,DESIGNS AND COPYRIGHT                           SUBOFFICE, BRISBANE
Date of transfer:         15/05/1969
Archives file number:     RWB7/3/4

Visibility & availability indicator
  • 19 . Series wholly open
  • 69 . Digital image charge: Large
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
15 May 1969

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