Description of series:
This series contains forms (M308) showing name of ship, port of arrival, date of arrival, number of passengers disembarking and subsequent ports of call in Australia at which overseas passengers intend to disembark. Attached are sheets showing name of passengers
disembarking, whether British or Non-British, and intended address in Australia. The records relate to ships passengers disembarking at the port of Brisbane and other Queensland ports and are described as Inward Passenger Manifests.
Administrative information
The following data was keyed from the paper documentation:
Form number: CA 17
Transferring department: , IMMIGRATION, QUEENSLAND, RECORDS
Date of transfer: 09/04/1968
Archives file number: RWB28/1/4
The names on each passenger manifest in this series have been indexed by Caloundra Family History Research Inc, and are searchable in the item notes field.