This series consists of an assortment of files and folders relating mostly to committee work of the Secondary Industries Commission and the Division of Industrial Development.
Items [1] to [50] deal principally with minutes, notes, statements and agenda of meetings of the Secondary Industries Commission, agenda and decisions of the Production Executive and the War and Full Cabinet; items [51]-[157] deal principally with the International Trade Organisation Charter conferences and discussions; items [158]-[200] deal mainly with agenda and decisions of the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Secondary Industries. The remainder of the series covers other committees and conferences such as the Furniture Industry Advisory Panel and the Mining Industry Advisory Panel and the World Trade Conference.
Some items carry registry or sub-registry control symbols (eg 3e1, 3/1/i281(L)) but this is so imcomplete that reconstruction of the original system of arrangement was impossible and a single number system was therefore imposed on the series. A few boxes contain inserts suggesting that at least part of this series was kept for the personal use of the Director-General of the Department of Postwar Reconstruction, Dr H C Coombs. The series was originally attached to the front of the multiple number series files in MP61/1 and separation from these should have ideally taken place prior to transfer to the National Archives. All items in this series have been entered into ANGAM II.