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Series details for: B6003
Series number
Registers of Certificates Exempting from the Dictation Test (Departures), Melbourne
Accumulation dates
05 Jan 1904 - 17 Apr 1959
Contents dates
05 Jan 1904 - 17 Apr 1959
Items in this series on RecordSearch

All items from this series are entered on RecordSearch.
Agency/person recording
  • 05 Jan 1904 - 01 Apr 1938
    CA 789, Collector of Customs, Melbourne [Victoria]
  • 01 Apr 1938 - 30 Nov 1945
    CA 972, Immigration and Passports Office (Section), Victoria
  • 30 Nov 1945 - 17 Apr 1959
    CA 961, Department of Immigration, Victorian Branch
Agency/person controlling
  • 20 Dec 2017 -
    CA 9582, Department of Home Affairs [IV], Victoria State Office
Quantity and location
  • 1.42 metres held in VIC
System of arrangement/ control
Range of control symbols
Predominant physical format
Series note
This series consists of 3 bound volumes of registers recording Certificates of Exemption from the Dictation Test. The registers were used to record personal details of all aliens resident in, and departing from, Australia for a specified temporary period of absence. Such people would firstly apply for an exemption and, if granted, pay a prescribed fee (see related series registrations for MP56/13 and MT19/4 for files relating to applications for Certificates of Exemption from the Dictation Test and Certificates of Exemption Book Butts) to receive a certificate to exclude them from having to participate in various admission tests then used under the Immigration Act.
With the exception of the earliest register (dated 1904-1914), which has been modified from a standard format to suit, the registers have been specifically designed and printed for their purpose. The registers have two pages for every page number, so that when opened the same page number is on both the left and right hand sides. Across the top of each 'page' is printed in bold typeface "Register of Certificates Exempting from the Dictation Test". Below the title in the top left hand corner is printed provision for insertion of the year. The remainder of the page/s is then divided into 18 columns, nearly all of whch have sub-headings as follows form extreme left to extreme right: Vic. No., C.E.D.T. Book No., C&E File No., Date of Issue, Name, Age, Nationality, Occupation, Address, Period of Residence in the Commonwealth, Departure - Date and Vessel and Port, Return - Date and Vessel and Port, Examined by, Remarks. Payment of the prescribed fee is often noted in the Remarks column. Entries under the Nationality column are overwhelmingly Chinese and Indian.
Physically each register differs from the other. The earliest register is the largest in dimensions and has a purple cloth covering with a black leather spine and triangular metal plates over the front and back right hand corners for protection. This register is also in the most fragile of condition. The next register (dated 1915-1933) is inbetween the other two in size. It has a greenish, rippled-effect cloth cover with a light brown leather spine and corners. This register is the only one of the three to have a title printed on the outside cover as follows: "REGISTER OF CERTIFICATES [EXEMPTING/EXEMPTIONS?] FROM THE DICTATION TEST[S?]. The title is in gold lettering of which parts are missing as a consequence of use and age. The third register (dated 1934-1959) is the thinnest. It has a dark blue cloth covering with a red leather spine and red leather insets on the corners. Although the youngest of the registers, its external condition appears similar to the other two in its reflection of wear and tear over the years.
Related series
  • 01 Jan 1910 - 31 Dec 1948
    MT19/4, Files relating to applications for Certificates of Exemption from Dictation Tests
  • 01 Jan 1932 - 31 Dec 1946
    MP56/13, Certificate of Exemption Book Butts
  • 01 Jan 1945 - 31 Dec 1951
    MT65/3, Certificates of Exemption Book Butts, Nominal Rolls - Forms 16
  • 01 Jan 1956 - 17 Apr 1959
    MP765/2, Certificate of Exemption book butt, and Temporary Entry Permits book butts.
Visibility & availability indicator
  • 73 . All items from the series are on RecordSearch
Date registered
26 Nov 1993

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